In this small post I will present a small bash script that could be used to create logical backups of all the databases in a Postgresql server along with some other goodies. More specifically, the script will:
- Create two files at /tmp to output information (one for debugging and one with info for sending it through email at the end)
- Create a backup directory with the current date
- Create a list of all databases found on the server
- For each database, vacuum and analyze it, backup it, gzip it and put it in the backup directory
- Write info about the backup in the info log file
- Do the same for global objects
- Send an email when the backup is finished with the info log
Now, in my system I’m using an external folder at /mnt/backupdb to put my backups. You may either use the same technique or connect remotely to a postgresql database (so you need to change the parameters of vacuumdb, pg_dump and pg_dumpall to define the server and credentials to connect to) and put the backups to a local disc.
echo "" > /tmp/db_backup.log
echo "" > /tmp/db_backup_info.log
date_str=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
mkdir $backup_dir
pushd $backup_dir > /dev/null
dbs=`sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres -lt | grep -v : | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -v template | grep -v -e '^\s*$' | sed -e 's/ *$//'| tr '\n' ' '`
echo "Will backup: $dbs to $backup_dir" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
for db in $dbs; do
echo "Starting backup for $db" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
sudo -u postgres vacuumdb --analyze -Upostgres $db >> /tmp/db_backup.log
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -Upostgres -v $db -F p 2>> /tmp/db_backup.log | gzip > $filename
size=`stat $filename --printf="%s"`
kb_size=`echo "scale=2; $size / 1024.0" | bc`
echo "Finished backup for $db - size is $kb_size KB" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
echo "Backing up global objects" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -Upostgres -v -g 2>> /tmp/db_backup.log | gzip > $filename
size=`stat $filename --printf="%s"`
kb_size=`echo "scale=2; $size / 1024.0" | bc`
echo "Finished backup for global - size is $kb_size KB" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
echo "Ok!" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
mail -s "Backup results" < /tmp/db_backup_info.log
popd > /dev/null
Let’s explain a bit the above script: The two first lines (echo …) will just clear out the two files /tmp/db_backup.log and /tmp/db_backup_info.log. The first will contain debug info from the commands and the second one will contain our info that will be sent through an email at the end of the backup. After that, we initialize date_str with the current date in the form 20161102_145011 and the backup_dir with the correct directory to save the backups to. We then create the backup directory and switch to it with pushd.
The following, rather long command will assign the names of the databases to the dbs variable. So how is it working? psql -lt lists the names of the databases, but lists also more non-needed information which we remove with the following commands (grep, cut etc). The sed removes whitespace and the tr concatenates individual lines to a single line so dbs will have a value like ‘db1 db2 …’. For each one of these files then we assign its name and date to a filename and then, after we execute vacuumdb we use pg_dump with gzip to actually create the backup and output it to the file. The other two lines (size and kb_size) are used to calculate the size of the backup file (to be sure that something is actually created) - you’ll need to install bc for that. The same process is followed the to backup global objects (usernames etc) using pg_dumpall -g. Finally, we send a mail with a subject of “Backup results” and body the contents of /tmp/db_backup_info.log.
I’ve saved this file to /var/lib/pgsql/ To run I propose using cron — just edit your crontab (through vi /etc/crontab) and add the line
15 2 * * * root /usr/bin/bash /var/lib/pgsql/
This will run the backup every night at 2.15. Uses the root user to have access rights to the backup folder. One thing to be careful about is that on Redhat/Centos distributions, the above won’t work because sudo requires a tty to work and cron doesn’t have one. To fix this, comment out the line
Defaults requiretty
of your /etc/sudoers file.
Update 02/12/2016: Here’s a little better version of the above script that
- Create two files for each database, one with SQL script backup, one with binary backup. Although with SQL backup you can check out the backup and maybe do changes before applying it, the binary backup is a more foolproof method of restoring everything to your database! Also, instead of restoring the database through psql (as required by the SQL script backup), using the binary backup you can restore through the pg_restore tool.
- Adds a function to output the file size (so the script is more DRY)
function output_file_size {
size=`stat $1 --printf="%s"`
kb_size=`echo "scale=2; $size / 1024.0" | bc`
echo "Finished backup for $2 - size is $kb_size KB" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
echo "" > /tmp/db_backup.log
echo "" > /tmp/db_backup_info.log
date_str=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
mkdir $backup_dir
pushd $backup_dir > /dev/null
dbs=`sudo -u postgres psql -Upostgres -lt | cut -d \| -f 1 | grep -v template | grep -v -e '^\s*$' | sed -e 's/ *$//'| tr '\n' ' '`
#dbs='dgul hrms mailer_server missions postgres'
echo "Will backup: $dbs to $backup_dir" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
for db in $dbs; do
echo "Starting backup for $db" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
sudo -u postgres vacuumdb --analyze -Upostgres $db >> /tmp/db_backup.log
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -Upostgres -v $db -F p 2>> /tmp/db_backup.log | gzip > $filename
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -Upostgres -v $db -F c 2>> /tmp/db_backup.log | gzip > $filename_binary
output_file_size $filename "$db sql"
output_file_size $filename_binary "$db bin"
echo "Backing up global objects" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -Upostgres -v -g 2>> /tmp/db_backup.log | gzip > $filename
output_file_size $filename global
echo "Ok!" >> /tmp/db_backup_info.log
mail -s "Backup results" < /tmp/db_backup_info.log
popd > /dev/null