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Declarative Ecto query filters

Continuing my Elixir journey I’d like to discuss here a method to implement one of my favorite Django features: Declarative query filters. This functionality is not a core Django feature but it is offered through the excellent django-filter package: Using this, you can create a Filter class which defines which fields are to be used for filtering the queryset and how each field will be queried (i.e using things like exact, like, year of date etc).

This is a functionality I am greatly missing in Elixir/phoenix so I’ve tried implementing it on my own. Of course, django-filter has various other capabilities that result from the implicit generation of things that Django offers like automatically creating the html for the declared fields, automatically declare the fields based on their types etc but such things are not supported by phoenix in any case so I won’t be trying in them here.

During my research I’ve seen a bunch of blog posts or packages about this thing however they didn’t properly support joins (i.e you could only filter on fields on a specific schema) or needed too much work to filter on joins (i.e define different filters for each part of the join). In the solution I’ll present here you’ll just define a filter for the specific query you need to filter no matter how many joins it has (just like in django-filters).

What will it do

The solution is more or less a self contained Elixir module named QueryFilterEx that can be used to declaratively filter your queries. To use that you’ll need to declare your filters using a simple array of maps. The filters should then be added in your form using a different input for each filter; then your queryset will be filtered with all the values you’ve added to the inputs using AND.

The module has a very simple API consisting of three functions:

  • get_changeset_from_params(params, filters): Pass it the GET request parameters you got from your form and the declared filters array to return you a proper changeset (which you can then use to build your form in your html)
  • make_filter_changeset(filters, params): This function actually generates the changeset using the filters and a Map of filter_name: value pairs (it is actually used by get_changeset_from_params)
  • filter(query, changeset, filters): Filter the query using the previously created changeset and the declared filters array

You can find a sample of the technique presented in this article in my PHXCRD repository: https://github.com/spapas/phxcrd for example in the user_controller or authority_controller.

Preparing the query

In order to use the QueryFilterEx module you’ll need to properly “prepare” your Ecto query. By preparing I don’t mean a big deal just the fact that you’ll need to name all your relations (or at least name all the relations you’re going to use for filtering). This is very simple to do, for example for the following query:

from(a in Authority,
  join: ak in AuthorityKind,
  on: [id: a.authority_kind_id],
  preload: [authority_kind: ak]

you can name the relations by adding two as: atoms like this:

from(a in Authority, as: :authority,
  join: ak in AuthorityKind, as: :authority_kind,
  on: [id: a.authority_kind_id],
  preload: [authority_kind: ak]

So after each join: you’ll add a name for your joined relation (and also add a name for your initial relation). Please notice that you can use any name you want for these (not related to the schema names).

Declaring the filters

To declare the filters you’ll just add an array of simple Elixir maps. Each map must have the following fields:

  • :name This is the name of the specific filter; it is mainly used in conjunction with the queryset and the form fields to set initial values etc
  • :type This is the type of the specific filter; it should be a proper Ecto type like :string, :date, :integer etc. This is needed to properly cast the values and catch errors
  • :binding This is the name of the relation this filter concerns which you defined in your query using :as (discussed in previous section)
  • :field_name This is the actual name of the field you want to filter on
  • :method How to filter on this field; I’ve defined a couple of methods I needed but you can implement anything you want

The methods I’ve implemented are the following:

  • :eq Equality
  • :ilike Field value starts with the input - ignore case
  • :icontains Field value contains the input - ignore case
  • :year Field is a date or datetime an its year is the same as the value
  • :date Field is a datetime and its date part is equal to the value

Anything else will just be compared using = (same as :eq).

Integrating it with a controller

As an example let’s see how QueryFilterEx is integrated it with the phxcrd user_controller. The query I’d like to filter on is the following (see that everything I’ll need is named using :as:

from(u in User, as: :user,
  left_join: a in Authority, as: :authority,
  on: a.id == u.authority_id,
  left_join: up in UserPermission,
  on: up.user_id == u.id,
  left_join: p in Permission, as: :permission,
  on: up.permission_id == p.id,
  preload: [authority: a, permissions: p]

To declare the filters I like to create a module attribute ending with filters, something like @user_filters for example. Here’s the filters I’m going to use for user_controller:

@user_filters [
  %{name: :username, type: :string, binding: :user, field_name: :username, method: :ilike},
  %{name: :authority_name, type: :string, binding: :authority, field_name: :name, method: :icontains},
  %{name: :permission_name, type: :string, binding: :permission, field_name: :name, method: :ilike},
  %{name: :last_login_date, type: :date, binding: :user, field_name: :last_login, method: :date}

So it will check if the user.username and permission.name start with the passed value, authority.name contains the passed value and if the user.login_date (which is a datetime) is the same as the passed date value.

Finally, here’s the full code of the index controller:

def index(conn, params) do
  changeset = QueryFilterEx.get_changeset_from_params(params, @user_filters)

  users =
    from(u in User,
      as: :user,
      left_join: a in Authority, as: :authority,
      on: a.id == u.authority_id,

      left_join: up in UserPermission,
      on: up.user_id == u.id,
      left_join: p in Permission, as: :permission,
      on: up.permission_id == p.id,
      preload: [authority: a, permissions: p]
    |> QueryFilterEx.filter(changeset, @user_filters)
    |> Repo.all()

  render(conn, "index.html", users: users, changeset: changeset)

It is very simple, it just uses the get_changeset_from_params method I discussed before to generate the changeset and then uses it to filter the query. Also please notice that it passes the changeset to the template to be properly rendered in the filter form.

The template

The template for the user index action is the following:

<%= form_for @changeset, AdminRoutes.user_path(@conn, :index), [method: :get, class: "filter-form", as: :filter],  fn f -> %>
  <%= label f, :username, gettext "Username" %>
  <%= text_input f, :username  %>

  <%= label f, :authority_name, gettext "Authority name" %>
  <%= text_input f, :authority_name  %>

  <%= label f, :permission_name, gettext "Permission name" %>
  <%= text_input f, :permission_name  %>

  <%= label f, :last_login_date, gettext "Last login date" %>
  <%= text_input f, :last_login_date  %>
  <%= error_tag f, :last_login_date %>

  <%= submit gettext("Filter"), class: "ml-5" %>
  <%= link gettext("Reset"), to: AdminRoutes.user_path(@conn, :index), class: "button button-outline ml-2" %>
<% end %>
<%= for user <- @users do %>
<!-- display the user info -->
<% end %>

Notice that it gets the @changeset and uses it to properly fill the initial values and display error messages. For this case I’ve only added an error_tag for the :last_login_date field, the others since are strings do not really need it since they will accept all values.

Also, the form method form must be :get since we only filter (not change anything) and I’ve passed the as: :filter option to the form_for to collect the parameters under the filter server side parameter (this can be anything you want and can be optionally be passed to QueryFilterEx.get_changeset_from_params to know which parameter the filters are collected on).

How does this work?

In this section I’ll try to explain exactly how the QueryFilterEx module works. Before continuing I want to thank the people at the Elixir forum and #elixir-lang Freenode IRC chat that helped me with understanding how to be able to create dynamic bindings.

So I’ll split this explanation in two parts: Explain QueryFilterEx.get_changeset_from_params and make_filter_changeset (easy) and then explain QueryFilterEx.filter (more difficult).

QueryFilterEx.get_changeset_from_params and make_filter_changeset

This function generates a changeset using the GET request parameters and the list of declared filters. The create changeset is a schemaless one since it may contains fields of various schemas (or fields that are not even exist on a schema). To generate it it uses the cast/4 function passing it a {data, types} first parameter to generate the schemaless changeset. It has two public methods: get_changeset_from_params and make_filter_changeset. The get_changeset_from_params is the one we’ve used to integrate with the controller and is used to retrieve the filter parameters from the request parameters based on the collect parameter of the form we mentioned before (the as: :filter). If such parameters are found they will be passed to make_filter_changeset (or else it will pass an empty struct). Notice that the filter_name by default is "filter" but you can change it to anything you want.

def get_changeset_from_params(params, filters, filter_name \\ "filter") do
  case params do
    %{^filter_name => filter_params} ->
      filters |> make_filter_changeset(filter_params)

    _ ->
      filters |> make_filter_changeset(%{})

The make_filter_changeset is the function that actually creates the schemaless changeset. To do that it uses two private functions that operate on the passed filters array: make_filter_keys to extract the :name field of each key filter and the make_filter_types to generate a Map of %{name: :type} as needed by the types of the {data, types} tuple passed to cast (the data is just an empty Map):

defp make_filter_keys(filters) do
  filters |> Enum.map(& &1.name)

defp make_filter_types(filters) do
  filters |> Enum.map(&{&1.name, &1.type}) |> Map.new()

def make_filter_changeset(filters, params) do
  data = %{}
  types = filters |> make_filter_types

  {data, types}
  |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, filters |> make_filter_keys)
  |> Map.merge(%{action: :insert})

One interesting thing here is the Map.merge(%{action: :insert}) that is piped to the generated changeset. This is needed to actually display the validation errors, if there’s no action to the changeset (and there won’t be since we aren’t going do any updates to the database with this changeset) then the casting errors won’t be displayed.

Please notice that although I use the get_changeset_from_params in my controller the important function here is the make_filter_changeset. The get_changeset_from_params is mainly used to retrieve the filter-related GET query parameter; however to use QueryFilterEx you can just create (however you want) a Map of filter_name: value pairs and pass it to make_filter_changeset to get the changeset.


The filter method gets three parameters. The query, the changeset (that was created with make_filter_changeset) and the declared filters. This function will then check all declared filters one by one and see if the changeset contains a change for this filter (i.e if the field has a value). If yes it will append a where/3 to the query based on the passed value of the changeset and the declared filter :method.

To do that it just uses Enum.reduce starting with the initial query as an accumulator and reducing on all the declared filters:

def filter(query, changeset, filters) do
  changes = Map.fetch!(changeset, :changes)
  filters |> Enum.reduce(query, creat_where_clauses_reducer(changes))

defp creat_where_clauses_reducer(changes) do
  fn %{name: name, field_name: field_name, binding: binding, method: method}, acc ->
    case Map.fetch(changes, name) do
      {:ok, value} ->
        acc |> creat_where_clause(field_name, binding,  method, value)

      _ ->

Notice that the creat_where_clauses_reducer function returns a function (the reducer) that reduce will use. This function checks to see if the current changes of the changeset contain the filter_name:. If yes it will pass the following values to the creat_where_clause function:

  • The accumulated query (acc)
  • The field_name:, :binding and :method values of the current filter
  • The value of the changes of the changeset

If the current filter_name is not contained in the changes then it just returns the accumulated query as it is.

Let’s now take a look at the creat_where_clause function:

defp creat_where_clause(acc, field_name, binding,  method, value) do
  case method do
    :eq -> acc |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      field(t, ^field_name) == ^value
    :ilike -> acc |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      ilike(field(t, ^field_name), ^("#{value}%") )
    :icontains -> acc |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      ilike(field(t, ^field_name), ^("%#{value}%") )
    :year -> acc  |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      fragment("extract (year from ?) = ?", field(t, ^field_name), ^value)
    :date -> acc  |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      fragment("? >= cast(? as date) and ? < (cast(? as date) + '1 day'::interval"), field(t, ^field_name), ^value, field(t, ^field_name), ^value)
    _ -> acc |> where(
      [{^binding, t}],
      field(t, ^field_name) == ^value


This function is just a simple case that pipes the accumulated query to a different where clause depending on the method:. Let’s take a closer look at what happens when :method == :eq:

acc |> where(
  [{^binding, t}],
  field(t, ^field_name) == ^value

This may seem a little confusing so let’s take a look at a simple where first:

from(u in User) |> where([u], u.name == "root") |> Repo.all()

Nothing fancy here, now let’s add a named query:

from(u in User, as: :user) |> where([user: u], u.name == "root") |> Repo.all()

Notice that now we can declare that u is an alias for the users named binding. What if we used the tuples syntax for the user: u instead of the keyword one:

from(u in User, as: :user) |> where([{:user, u}], u.name == "root") |> Repo.all()

Yes this still works. What if we wanted to use a variable for the binding name in the where?

binding = :user
from(u in User, as: :user) |> where([{^binding, u}], u.name == "root") |> Repo.all()

I think it starts to make sense now, let’s finally use a variable for the field name also:

binding = :user
field_name = :name
from(u in User, as: :user) |> where([{^binding, u}], field(u, ^field_name) == "root") |> Repo.all()

So this is exactly how this works!

Beyond the :eq I’ve got the definitions for the other methods I described there, the most complex one is probably the :date which is something like:

  [{^binding, t}],
  fragment("? >= cast(? as date) and ? < (cast(? as date) + '1 day'::interval"), field(t, ^field_name), ^value, field(t, ^field_name), ^value)

What this does is that it generates the following SQL fragment:

field_name >= cast(value as date) AND field_name < (cast(value as date) + '1 day'::interval)

You can add your own methods by adding more clauses to the case of the creat_where_clause function and following a similar pattern.


By using the QueryFilterEx module presented here you can very quickly declare the fields you want to filter on and the method you want to use for each field no matter if these fields are in the same schema or are accessed through joins. You can easily extend the functionality of the module by adding your own methods. The only extra thing you need to do is to just add names to your queries.
