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Declarative Ecto query sorting

In a previous article I presented a method for declaring dynamic filters for your ecto queries. Continuing this article, I’ll present here a way to allow dynamic sorting for your queries using fields that may even span relations.

What will it do

The solution is a couple of function that can be put inside the QueryFilterEx I mentioned in the previous article. Please make sure that you’ve completely read and understand this article before continuing here.

To use the dynamic sorting function you’ll need to declare the fields that would allow sorting using a simple array of strings. The sort fields should then be added as links to your phoenix page which will then pass an order_by=field_name query parameter to your controller.

The module has a very simple API consisting of a single function:

  • sort_by_params(query, params, allowed_sort_fields): Pass it the query, the GET request parameters you got from your form and the declared sort fields array to return you a sorted query

You can find a sample of the technique presented in this article in my PHXCRD repository: https://github.com/spapas/phxcrd for example in the user_controller or authority_controller.

Preparing the query

In order to use dynamic sorting you’ll need to properly “prepare” your Ecto query by naming all your relations as I’ve already explained in the previous article.

Declaring the sort fields

To declare the sort fields you’ll just add an array of fields you’ll want to allow sorting on. Each field should have the form binding_name__field_name where binding_name is the name of the table you’ve declared in your query and field_name is the name of the field that the query will be sorted by. This is the way that the sort fields will also be declared in the phoenix html page. Django users will definitely remember the model__field convention.

Declaring the sort fields here and using them again in the html page may seem reduntant, however it is absolute necessary to declare a priori which fields are allowed because the sort http params will be received as strings and to be used in queries these strings will be converted to atoms. The number of atoms is finite (there’s an absolute limit of allowed atoms in an erlang program; if that limit is surpassed your program will crash) so you can’t allow the user to pass whatever he wants (so if the order_by parameter does not contain one of the fields you declare here then no strings will be converted to atoms).

Integrating with a controller

As an example let’s see how the dynamic sort fields will be integrated with the phxcrd user_controller. The query I’d like to filter on is the following (see that everything I’ll need is named using :as):

from(u in User, as: :user,
  left_join: a in Authority, as: :authority,
  on: a.id == u.authority_id,
  left_join: up in UserPermission,
  on: up.user_id == u.id,
  left_join: p in Permission, as: :permission,
  on: up.permission_id == p.id,
  preload: [authority: a, permissions: p]

To declare the sort fields I like to create a module attribute ending with sort_fields, something like @user_sort_fields for example. Here’s the sort fields I’m going to use for user_controller:

@user_sort_fields [
  "user__username", "user__name", "user__last_login"

So it will only allow the user.username, user.name and user.last_login fields for sorting. I could easily sort by authority.name or permission.name in a similar fashion.

Finally, here’s the full code of the index controller:

def index(conn, params) do
  changeset = QueryFilterEx.get_changeset_from_params(params, @user_filters)

  users =
    from(u in User,
      as: :user,
      left_join: a in Authority, as: :authority,
      on: a.id == u.authority_id,

      left_join: up in UserPermission,
      on: up.user_id == u.id,
      left_join: p in Permission, as: :permission,
      on: up.permission_id == p.id,
      preload: [authority: a, permissions: p]
    |> QueryFilterEx.filter(changeset, @user_filters)
    |> QueryFilterEx.sort_by_params(params, @user_sort_fields)
    |> Repo.all()

  render(conn, "index.html", users: users, changeset: changeset)

Notice that this is exactly the same as the controller I discussed in the dynamic filters article with the addition of the QueryFilterEx.sort_by_params(params, @user_sort_fields) pipe to do the sorting.

The template

The template for the user index action is also the same with a couple of minor changes: Instead of using a static header for the table title I will use a link that will change the sorting order:

      <%= link gettext("Username"), to: create_order_url(@conn, "user__username") %>
      <%= link gettext("Name"), to: create_order_url(@conn, "user__name") %>
    <th>First name</th>
    <th>Last name</th>
    <th>Am / Am phxcrd</th>

      <%= link gettext("Last login"), to: create_order_url(@conn, "user__last_login") %>
    <th>Is enabled</th>


Notice that I just used the create_order_url function passing it the @conn and the sort field. This create_order_url function is implemented in a module I include in all my views and will properly add an order_by=field in the url (it will also add an order_by=-field if the same header is clicked twice). I will explain it more in the following sections.

Finally, please notice that if you use pagination and sorting you need to properly handle the order_by query parameter when creating the next-previous page links. Actually, there are three things competing on their url parameter dominance; I’d like to talk about that in the next interlude.

Interlude: HTTP GET parameter priority

Now, in an index page you will probably have three things all of which will want to put parameters to your urls to be activated:

  • Query filtering; this will put a filter query parameter to filter your query. Notice that because of how phoenix works (it allows maps in the query parameters) the filter can be a single query parameter but contain multiple filters (i.e the filter will be something like %{"key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"}
  • Order by: This will put an order_by query parameter to denote the field that the query will be sorted
  • Pagination: This will put an page query parameter to denote the current page

I like to give them a priority in the order I’ve listed them; when one of them is changed, it will clear the ones following it. So if the query filters are changed both the pagination and the order by fields will be cleared, if the order by field is changed then only the pagination field will be cleared but if the pagination field is changed both the query filters and the order by fields will be kept there.

I think that’s the best way to do it from an UX point of view; try to think about it and you’ll probably agree.

How does this work?

In this section I’ll try to explain exactly how the dynamic sort fields work.

So I’ll split this explanation in two parts: Explain create_order_url and then explain sort_by_params.


This function receives three parameters: The current @conn, the name of a field to sort by and an optional list of query parameters that need to be kept while creating the order by links. I’ve put this function in a ViewHelpers module that I am including to all my views (by adding an import PhxcrdWeb.ViewHelpers line to the PhxcrdWeb module).

Let’s take a look at the code:

def create_order_url(conn, field_name, allowed_keys \\ ["filter"]) do
  Phoenix.Controller.current_url(conn, get_order_params(conn.params, allowed_keys, field_name))

This doesn’t do much, it just uses the phoenix’s current_url that generates a new url to the current page, passing it a dictionary of http get parameters that should be appended to the url that are created through get_order_params. Notice that there’s an allowed_keys parameter that contains the query parameters that we need to keep after the sorting (see the previous interlude). By default I pass the filter query parameter so if theres a filter (check my previous article) it will keep it when sorting (but any pagination will be cleared; if I sort by a new field I want to go to the first page there’s no reason for me to keep seeing the page I was on before changing the order by).

The get_order_params receives the query parameters of the current connection (as a map), the allowed keys I mentioned before and the actual name of the field to sort on. This method is a little more complex:

defp get_order_params(params, allowed_keys, order_key) do
  |> Map.take(allowed_keys ++ ["order_by"])
  |> Enum.map(fn {k, v} -> {String.to_atom(k), v} end)
  |> Map.new()
  |> Map.update(
    &case &1 do
      "-" <> ^order_key -> order_key
      ^order_key -> "-" <> order_key
      _ -> "-" <> order_key

It only keeps the parameters in the allowed_keys list and the current order_by parameter (if there’s one) discarding everything else. It will then convert the keys of the map to atoms and put them in a new map. Finally, it will update the order_by field (if exists) either by switching the - in front of the field to declare asc/desc sorting or adding it for the field that was clicked. Actually the logic of that Map.update is the following:

  • If there’s no :order_by key then add it and assign the passed order_key
  • If the current value of :order_by is equal to order_key with or without a - then toggle the - (this happens when you click on a field that is already used for sorting)
  • If the current value of :order_by is anything else (i.e not the same as the order_key) then just change :order_by to -orderKey (this happens when there’s sorting but you click on a different field, not the one used for the sorting)

Notice that this juggling between map, list of keywords and then map again (using Enum.map and then Map.new etc) is needed because the query parameters are in a map with strings as keys form (%{"key" => "value"}) while the current_url function needs the query params in a map with atoms as keys form (%{key: "value"}).


The sort_by_params method gets three parameters: The query that will be sorted, the existing http parameters map (so as to retrieve the order_by value) and the declared list of allowed sorting fields. Let’s take a look at it:

def sort_by_params(qs, %{"order_by" => "-" <> val}, allowed),
  do: do_sort_by_params(qs, val, :asc, allowed)

def sort_by_params(qs, %{"order_by" => val}, allowed),
  do: do_sort_by_params(qs, val, :desc, allowed)

def sort_by_params(qs, _, _), do: qs

This multi-legged function will only do something if there’s an order_by parameter in the http parameters (else it will just return the query as is) and will call do_sort_by_params passing it the received query, either :asc or :desc (depending if there’s a - in front of the value) and the received allowed fields list.

The do_sort_by_params makes sure that the passed parameter is in the allowed list and if yes it creates the atoms of the binding and field name (using String.to_atom) and does the actual sorting to the passed query:

defp do_sort_by_params(qs, val, ord, allowed) do
  if val in allowed do
    [binding, name] = val |> String.split("__") |> Enum.map(&String.to_atom/1)
    qs |> order_by([{^binding, t}], [{^ord, field(t, ^name)}])

The line qs |> order_by([{^binding, t}], [{^ord, field(t, ^name)}]) may seem a little complex but it has been thoroughly explained in the previous article.


By using the methods described here you can easily add a dynamic sorting to your queries through fields that may span relations just by creating a bunch of http GET links and passing them an order_by query parameter.
