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Configuring Spring Boot


The Spring Boot project is great way of building Java applications using Spring. Instead of trying to integrate everything by hand (and usually end up with a configuration hell) you use spring-boot to help you to bootstrap your application: Just include its dependencies in your pom.xml and Spring Boot will try its best to auto-configure all these components!

Of course, no matter how hard Spring Boot tries to auto-configure everything, you’ll still need to pass some configuration to configure your databases, caches, email sending, security etc. Thankfully, Spring Boot can be configured without any xml (actually, its a bad practice to use xml-based configuration with it), using plain Java .properties files or (if you prefer the more compact syntax) YAML .yml files!

In this guide, along with a simple introduction to the way Spring Boot configuration works, we’ll talk about a specific way of stucturing your settings configuration files in order to have:

  • A global configuration file that will contain all your settings
  • Different settings for each of your environments (development, UAT, staging, production and test)
  • A way to configure your passwords and other sensitive data (that you don’t want to put to your VCS)
  • Being able to override any setting in any environment
  • Deploying your Spring Boot app in Linux using init.d

To quickly test the proposed settings configuration I’ve created a simple Spring Boot project @ https://github.com/spapas/spring-boot-config. Just clone it, optionally change the packaged settings (more on this later), package it (mvn package), optionally change the config settings (more on this also later) and run it (using something like java -jar spring-boot-config-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar) optionally passing it command line settings (more on this also later). You’ll then be able to visit and check the current settings!

properties vs yml files

You can use two kinds of files to configure your settings: Normal Java .properties files or YAML .yml files. The .properties files have the form:


while the .yml files are like:

        a: 1
        b: 2
        c: 3

You may use whatever you wish - in the examples I’ll use normal Java .properties files because they are more compact (you don’t need to use multiple lines to represent a single setting like in YAML).

Structuring your configuration files

Spring Boot reads its configuration from various places, however in this article we’ll talk about four of them which should be enough for most cases. Starting from the most global to the most specific ones (i.e the latter ones will override the previous ones) these are:

  • Main (global) application settings
  • Profile settings
  • Local (/config) settings
  • Command line arguments

The first two are setting files that will be contained inside the artifact (jar or war) that will be created and should be commited to your version control system. I’ll call them jar-packaged settings. The other two won’t be commited to the version control but will be created directly on the server to-deploy. Let’s see a little more about them:

Main application settings

These are kept in a file named application.properties (or yml — from now on I’ll just use .properties` but keep in mind that you may use .yml): This file should reside inside the src\main\resources folder of your project and ideally contain all the settings your spring-boot application users. Some of these settings will be overriden by settings kept in the next source so they may have a default value or even be empty if they will be always overriden (or contain sensitive data like passwords), however I still prefer to list them all in this file even as placeholders to have a central source of all the settings that your Spring Boot application uses.


A profile is a set of settings that can be configured to override settings from application.properties. Each profile is contained in a file named application-profilename.properties where profilename is the name of the profile. Now, a profile could configure anything you want, however for most projects I propose to have the following profiles:

  • dev for your local development settings
  • uat for your UAT server settings
  • staging for your staging server settings
  • prod for your production settings
  • test for running your tests

(depending of course on what are your requirements, some projects may not need uat or staging but all projects should have a dev, a prod and a test profile). The configuration for these environemnts needs to be different for obvious reasons. For example when developing you may want to use a local database, when running tests an ephemeral in memory database and your production database when deploying to production. These profile configuration files will be stored inside your src\main\resources folder, right next to the application.properties, i.e you’ll have application-dev.properties, application-prod.properties, application-test.properties etc - and all these files will be kept in your VCS (and will also be jar-packaged since they will be contained in the resulting artifact).

How do you select which profile is active each time (i.e pick it when running the Spring Boot application under its corresponding environment)?

For tests, since they can be run by a different Main than the normal application, you should use the @ActiveProfiles annotation (for example @ActiveProfiles("test")) to make sure that the tests will run with the correct settings. So if the contents of your application-test.properties are config.value=Hello test! running this test should produce no errors:

@SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = SpringBootConfigApplication.class)
public class SpringBootConfigApplicationTests {

    private String value;

    private String profile;

    public void contextLoads() {
        assertThat(value, is("Hello test!"));
        assertThat(profile, is("test"));

To activate a different profile when running your Spring Boot applications you’ll need to use the spring.profiles.active setting, so if you set spring.profiles.active=prod in your application.properties and create the packaged jar (or war) then you’ll have the production settings when you run your application (i.e the contents of application-prod.properties will be used to override your application.properties). Of course, to deploy it to UAT, you’ll need to change spring.profiles.active to uat and re-create the packaged artifact — see some repetition and penal labour here? Definitely you don’t want to do re-create your artifacts for each of the environments you may want to deploy — we’ll see in the next sections how to improve this flow by overriding jar-packaged settings!

Some more advanced profile usage

You may have noticed in the previous section that the name of the annotation is @ActiveProfiles and the name of the setting spring.profiles.active - both in plural. This of course is on purpose: You may have more than one active profiles!

This, along with the fact that you can make @Components or @Configuration available only on certail profiles is a really powerful tool!

Here are some examples:

  • Configure two spring-security @Configuration s: Use in memory security for your dev environment, while using LDAP for your production.
  • If you want to support more than one database you can configure multiple profiles — and use them along with the dev/uat/prod I mentioned before.
  • Create verbose and non-verbose logging profiles and quickly change between them

Overriding settings

All the above settings we’ve defined should be safely kept inside your VCS - however we wouldn’t like storing passwords or other sensitive data to a VCS! Sensitive settings should be empty (or have a default value) when saved to VCS and overriden by “local” settings.

Also, all the previous are jar-packaged and we definitely need a way to override them without messing with the artifacts (for example, we need to select the correct profile for running the application by overriding spring.profiles.active).

There two methods of overriding settings, and these are the last two methods of the four we discussed above:

Using a config/application.properties

You can put files in a directory named config that is at the same level as the location from which you try to run your jar. These file should be named either application.properties or application-profilename.properties and will be used to override your jar-packaged settings.

What happens is that Spring will at first try to load a file named config/application.properties that will override your jar-packaged application.properties (so here you can set your current profile). Then, it will also try to load a file named config/application-profilename.properties that will override your jar-packaged application-profilename.properties (so here you may override any profile related properties).

The priority of the files from lowest to highest:

  • jar-packaged application.properties
  • local config/application.properties
  • jar-packaged application-profilename.properties
  • local config/application-profilename.properties

So (repeating for emphasis) the settings in your jar-packaged application-profilename.properties will only be overriden by config/application-profilename.properties (and not by the config/application.properties which will only override settings on the jar-packaged application.properties).

Also, to make everything clear about where the config directory should be kept:

If the current directory from which you’ll run your jar is /home/serafeim and you want to execute /opt/spring/my-spring-app.jar (so you’ll run something like /home/serafeim$ java -jar /opt/spring/my-spring-app.jar) then the config directory should be at /home/serafeim/config (i.e at the same directory from where you execute jar). Normally however and to avoid confusion, the best approach would be to just put it at /opt/spring/config and cd /opt/spring before running your jar (so config will be right next to your jar and run the jar from the directory).

Finally, my recommendation is to keep these config/*properties files off version control (after all they should be different for each of your environments - common settings should go to the jar-packaged files) and to put only the profile selection setting and sensitive settings there. That means that the config/application.properties file should only contain a spring.profiles.active=profilename setting to set the correct profile for this instance of your app and the config/application-profilename.properties will contain all sensitive information that you’ll need to run that profile.

For example in your UAT server you’ll have spring.profiles.active=uat in your application.properties and your uat server passwords in your application-uat.properties

Passing command line arguments

The most specific way of overriding parameters (including the active profile of course) is by directly passing these parameters as arguments when running your jar. For example, if you run java -Dconfig.value=foo -jar my-spring-app.jar then the config.value will always have a value of foo no matter what you have in your other config files.

That’s a different way to set your active profile (by passing -Dspring.profiles.active=profilename) or to quickly set sensitive settings however I prefer to keep the settings in properties files (and not to put them in scripts where they will definitely be missed and will be more difficult to be managed) so I’ll recommend the previous way of using a non-commited to version control local config/application.properties. Use command line arguments only for quick tests (run something with a specific setting to test how it works).

Deploying Spring Boot applications

If you check the deployment documentation of Spring Boot you’ll see that it has various hints on on deploying Spring Boot applications. I won’t go into much detail about these however I’ll represent my recommendation on deploying Spring Boot apps on Linux as an init.d script:

What is really interesting about Spring boot is that it allows you to make your jar-packaged jars executable as an init.d script so that you will be able to manage it using something like service springbootapp start/stop/restart etc. To do that, you’ll just need to add the <executable>true</executable> configuration for your pom’s spring-boot-maven-plugin. This will add some things in the start of your resulting jar file that will make it behave as a unix init.d script. If you take a look at your package artifact you’ll see something like this:

#    .   ____          _            __ _ _
#   /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
#  ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
#   \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
#    '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
#   =========|_|==============|___/=/_/_/_/
#   :: Spring Boot Startup Script ::

# Provides:          spring-boot-config
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: spring-boot-config
# Description:       Demo project for Spring Boot configuration
# chkconfig:         2345 99 01

[[ -n "$DEBUG" ]] && set -x

# Initialize variables that cannot be provided by a .conf file
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
[[ -n "$JARFILE" ]] && jarfile="$JARFILE"
[[ -n "$APP_NAME" ]] && identity="$APP_NAME"


One thing that may seem puzzling at first is that if make this jar executable and try to run it you’ll see that, instead of offering you the well known options of the init scripts (Usage … start/stop/restart etc) it will immediatelly run the application! This is because the embedded script is smart enough to check that it will be executed as an init script only when it is executed as a link from /etc/init.d - else it will immediately run the application.

If you want to quickly test that behavior, you may override the MODE parameter which forces the mode of operation of the jar. If you want to run it as a script (without using a links from /etc/ini.d) then just set MODE=service. So, try runnin:

> MODE=service ./springapplication.jar
Usage: ./hsk9eea.jar {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status|run}

Success! Of course, this is just for testing purposes, to actually deploy your application then please create a link to it from /etc/init.d as proposed by the Spring Boot docs.

If you want to customize the init.d script you can use a file named sprinbootapp.conf in the same directory as your springbootapp.jar (i.e it should have the same name as your jar with an extension of .conf). The options from it will be sourced before running your application — for example you could set the active profile using RUN_ARGS, however as I already recommended, explicitly setting it to a file named config/applications.properties is preferrable.


Using the described file structure you should be able to fully configure Spring Boot and have all the goodies you’d expect from a modern framework: global settings, profiles, non-version control settings! Also, using the advanced profiles techniques (multiple profiles, profile enabled @Components and @Configurations) you’ll be able to implement some really complex configurations! Finally, you’ll be able to really quickly deploy the resulting jar as an init.d system service!

A comprehensive react-redux tutorial

Update 10/05/2016: Add a section on how to update the UI when the data in the database is changed without using the UI.


Continuing the series of React-related articles, we’ll try to make a comprehensive tutorial to the redux framework and its integrations with React, using the react-redux library. Redux can be used as an alternative to Flux (which we discussed in a previous article) to orchestrate the message passing between ui/components/data.

This tutorial will also produce as a result an opinionated (my opinion) boilerplate project for creating react-redux Single Page Applications. I have used Django as the back end however you could use any server-side framework you like, Django is only used for implementing a bunch of REST APIs through django-rest-framework. You may replace it with any other REST framework you like.

I have also used browserify to pack the client-side code — I prefer it from webpack as I find it much easier, clear and less-magical, and, since it fills all my needs I don’t see any reason to take the webpack pill.

All client side code is written in ES6 javascript using the latest trends — I will try to explain anything I feel that is not very clear.

Before continuing, I have to mention that although I will provide an (as comprehensive as possible) introduction to redux, I will concentrate on the correct integration between redux, react-redux and React in a complex, production level application. I’ll try to explain everything I talk about, however, before reading the rest of this article I recommend reading the introduction and basics sections of redux documentation and watching the getting started with redux from the creator of redux — I can’t recommend the videos enough, they are really great!

One final thing: This is a really long article (more than 100 kb). It will require a lot of time to read and understand it, especially if you are not familiar with the concepts described here. Please take your time when reading it and try verifying what I say here through the project that accompanies this article @ https://github.com/spapas/react-tutorial/, tag react-redux.

Introduction to redux

I have to say that I got interested in redux because of all that buzz this framework generated. However, I got really interested in it when I understood how close its philosophy was to functional programming - this, when combined with the usage of react functional components will enable you to write great code and (most important for me) really enjoy coding with it (if you like functional programming of course :) )

Redux is simpler, having fewer and less complex concepts than the original Flux implementation and more opinionated - this is a good thing!

Here are the basic building blocks of redux:

  • One (and only one) state: It is an object that keeps the global state of your application. Everything has to be in that object, both data and ui.
  • A bunch of actions: These are simple objects that are created/dispatched when something happens (ui interaction, server response etc) with a mandatory property (their type) and a number of optional properties that define the data that accompanies each action.
  • A bunch of action creators: These are very simple functions that create action objects. Usually, there are as many action creators as actions (unless you use redux-thunk, we’ll talk about it later).
  • One (and only one) reducer: It is a function that retrieves the current state and an action and creates the resulting state. This is the central component of a redux application - every action along with the current state will be passed to the reducer and the state of the application will be the resulting, new state.
  • One (and only one) store: It is an object that is created by redux and is used as a glue between the state, the reducer and the components

The general idea/flow is:

  • Something (let’s call it event) happens (i.e a user clicks a button, a timeout is fired, an ajax request responds)
  • An action describing that event is created by its the corresponding action creator and dispatched (i.e passed to the reducer along with the current state) through the store
  • The dispach calls the reducer with the current state object and the action as parameters
  • The reducer checks the type of the action and, depending on the action type and any other properties this action has, creates a new state object
  • The store applies the new state to all components

One thing we can see from the above is that redux is not react-only (although its general architecture is a perfect fit to react) but could be also used with different view frameworks, or even with no view framework!

A simple example

I’ve implemented a very simple redux example @ jsfiddle that increases and decreases a number using two buttons to support the above:

Its html is:

<div id='state_container'>0</div>
<button onclick='increase()'>+</button>
<button onclick='decrease()'>-</button>

while its javascript (es6) code is:

let reducer = (state=0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREASE': return state+1
    case 'DECREASE': return state-1
    default: return state
let store = Redux.createStore(reducer)
let unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() =>
  document.getElementById('state_container').innerHTML = store.getState()
window.increase = e => store.dispatch({
  type: 'INCREASE'

window.decrease = e => store.dispatch({
  type: 'DECREASE'

The HTML just displays a div which keeps the current number value and two buttons that call the increase and decrease functions.

Now, for the javascript, we create a reducer function that gets the previous state value (which initially is the number 0) and the action that is dispatched. When the reducer is called it will check if the action type is ‘INCREASE’ or ‘DECREASE’ and correspondigly increase or decreases the state, which is just that number. Normally, the state will be a (rather fat) object.

We then create a store which gets the reducer as its only parameter then and call its subscribe method passing a callback. This callback will be called whenever the state is changed - in our case, the callback just updates the div with the current number from the state. Finally, the increase and decrease methods that are called when the butts are clicked will just dispatch the corresponding action.

Please notice that in the above example I didn’t use action creators for simplicity. For completeness, the action creator for increase would be something like

const increaseCreator = () => {
  type: 'INCREASE'

i.e it would just return an INCREASE action and window.increase would be window.increase = e => store.dispatch(increaseCreator()). Notice that the increaseCreator is called (has ()) so that dispatch will receive the resulting action object as a parameter.

The flow of the data when the increase button is clicked is the following:

  • button.onClick
  • increase()
  • increaseCreator() (if we used action creators - this a param to dispatch so it will be called first)
  • store.dispatch({type: 'INCREASE' })
  • reducer(current_state, {type: 'INCREASE'})
  • Reducer returns the new state (state+1)
  • callback()
  • value is updated

Having one and only one store/state makes the flow of the data crystal and resolves some of the dillemas I had when using the original Flux architecture! Some people may argue that although a single reducer function is nice for the above simple demo, having a huge (spaghetti-like) switch statement in your reducer is not a very good practice - thankfully redux has a bunch of tools that will presented later and greatly help on this (seperating the reducing logic, using different modules for each module etc).

Interlude: So what’s a reducer?

I’d like to talk a bit about the “reducer”, mainly for people not familiar with functional programming (although people writing Javascript should be familiar with functional programming since Javascript has functional features) to clarify my statement above that the redux philosophy is close to functional programming.

One basic concept of functional programming is the concept of “map-reduce”. Mapping means calling a function (let’s call it mapper) for all elements of a list and creating a new list with the output of each individual call. So, a mapper gets only one parameter, the current value of the list. For example the “double” mapper, defined like let double = x => x*2 would “map” the list [1,2,3] to [2,4,6].

Reducing means calling a function (let’s call it reducer) for all elements of a list and creating a single value that accumulates the result of each individual call. This can be done because the reducer gets two parameters, the accumulated value of the list until this point and the current value of the list. Also, when doing a reduce we need to define a starting value for the accumulator. For example, the “sum” reducer, defined like let sum = (s=0, x) => s+x, (which has an initial value of 0), would “reduce” the list [1,2,3] to 6 by calling the sum reducer three times:

tmp1 = sum(0, 1); // tmp1 = 1
tmp2 = sum(tmp1, 2); // tmp2 = 3
result = sum(tmp2, 3); // result = 6

So, a redux reducer is actually a (rather complex) functional reducer, getting the current state (as the accumulated value) and each individual action as the value and returning the new state which is the result of applying this action to the state!

Three extra things to make sure about your redux reducers are that:

  • they should have an initial value (with the initial state of the application) or know how to handle an undefined initial state
  • they must not not mutate (change) the state object but instead create and return a new one (not allowing object mutations is a general practice in functional programming but in redux also helps to quickly apply the changes to the components)
  • always return a valid state as a result (or else the application will have invalid state)

What about react-redux?

React-redux is a rather simple framework that offers two helpful utilities for integrating redux with React:

  • A connect function that “connects” React components to the redux store. This function (among others) retrieves a callback parameter that defines properties that will be passed to that component and each one will be (magically) mapped to state properties.
  • A Provider component. This is a parent component that can be used to (magically) pass the store properties to its children components.

Please notice that nothing actually magical happens when the store properties are passed to the children components through connect and Provider! this is accomplished through the react context feature that allows you to “pass data through the component tree without having to pass the props down manually at every level”. So connect``ed components used context to retrieve the store properties that have been passed to the context by the ``Provider.

How react-redux is used be made more clear with another jsfiddle that will convert the previous example to React and react-redux:

The html is just <div id='container'></div> since the components will be rendered through react, while the es6/jsx code is:

let reducer = (state=0, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'INCREASE': return state+1
    case 'DECREASE': return state-1
    default: return state

let store = Redux.createStore(reducer)

class RootComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    let {number, increase, decrease} = this.props
    return <div>
      <button onClick={e=>increase()}>+</button>
      <button onClick={e=>decrease()}> - </button>

let mapStateToProps = state => ({
  number: state

let mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
  increase: () => dispatch({type: 'INCREASE'}),
  decrease: () => dispatch({type: 'DECREASE'})

const ConnectedRootComponent = ReactRedux.connect(
    mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps

  <ReactRedux.Provider store={store}>
    <ConnectedRootComponent />

As we can see, the reducer and store are the same as the non-react version. What is new here is that I’ve added a React RootComponent that has two properties, one named number and one named dispatch that can be used to dispatch an action through the store.

Using react-redux’s connect function we create a new component, ConnnectedRootComponent which is a new component with the redux-enabled functionality (i.e it will have access to store). The connect() function takes a bunch of optional arguments. I won’t go into much detail since its a little complex (the react-redux documentation is clear enough), however in our example we have defined two objects named mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps which are passed to connect and define how the state and the dispatch are mapped to the properties the connected component will have.

The mapStateToProps is a function that will be called whenever the store’s state changes and should return an object whose attributes will be passed to the connected component as properties. In our example, we return an object with a number attribute having the current state (which don’t forget that is just a number) as its value - that’s why we can extract the number attribute from this.props when rendering.

The mapDispatchToProps as we use it, once again returns an object whose attributes will be passed to the connected component and will dispatch actions when called.

Of course, in order for the ConnectedRootComponent to actually have these properties that we passed through connect, it must be enclosed in a <Provider> parent component (so that the correct react context will be initialized). Notice that this is recursive so if we had something

<Provider store={store}>

the <ConnectedComponent> would still get the props (dispatch + state slice) we mentioned above even if its parent components were not connected.

Although we could have avoided using react-redux by passing the store directly to <RootComponent> and subscibing to the store changes from the RootComponent‘s componentWillMount method, the added-value of react-redux is that using connect and Provider we could pass dispatch and state slices deep inside our component hierarchy without the need to explicitly pass the store to each individual component and also that react-redux will make optimizations so that the each connected component will be re-rendered only when needed (depending on the state slice it uses) and not for every state change. Please be warned that this does not mean that you should connect everything so that everything will have access to the global state and be able to dispatch actions. You should be very careful to connect only the components that really need to be connected (redux calls them container components) and pass dispatch and state as properties to their children (which are called presentational components). Also, each connected component should receive only the part of the global state it needs and not everything (so that each particular component will update only when needed and not for every state update). The above is absolutely necessary if you want to crate re-usable (DRY) and easily testable components. I’ll discuss this a little more when describing the sample project.

Finally, notice how easy it is to create reusable container components using mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps: Both the way the component gets its state and calls its actions are defined through these two objects so you can create as many connected objects as you want by passing different mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps - more on this later.

Our project

After this rather lengthy introduction to redux and react-redux we may move on to our project. First of all, let’s see an example of what we’ll actually build here:

Our project

This is a single-page application that supports client side routing and has four different routes: A books list, an authors list, a book editing/create form and an author editing/create form. The books list supports searching (with the filter field), pagination (with 5 books per page) and per-column sorting when clicking the column name (ascending/descending). The book form supports validation (on the book title), cascading drop downs (changing category limits the subcategory choices) and a jquery ui datepicker to select the book publish date. Also, you can delete books or authors from their corresponding form. Notice that there’s a statistics panel showing the current number of authors and books. A nice loading spinner will be displayed when asynchronous ajax actions are executed and a snackbar notification will be shown when such an action is executed. Finally, although you won’t be able to see it, the url of the application is changed according to the choices the user makes.

Other libraries used

React (and redux) have a big ecosystem of great libraries. Some of these have been used for this project and will also be discussed in this article:

  • redux-thunk: This is a nice add-on for redux that generalizes action creators.
  • redux-form: A better way to use forms with react and redux. Always use it if you have non-trivial forms.
  • react-router: A library to create routes for single page applications with React.
  • react-router-redux (ex redux-simple-router): This library will help integrating react-router with redux.
  • history: This is used bt react-router to crete the page history (so that back forward etc work).
  • react-notification: A simple react component to display notifications.

The triplet react-router, react-router-redux and history needs to be used for projects that enable client side routing. The redux-form is really useful if you have non-trivial forms in your projects - you may skip it if you don’t use forms or for example you use a form for searching/filtering with a single input. react-notification just displays notifications, you can easily exchange it with other similar components or create your own.


Now, about redux-thunk. I won’t go into much detail here, you can read more about it in this great SO answer, however I’d like to point out here that everything that can be done with redux-thunk can also be done without it so you may safely skip it if you feel that you don’t really need it in your project.

But what does it do? Well, redux-thunk allows you to create action creators that don’t only return action objects but can do various other things, like calling other actions or dispatching actions conditionally. When using redux-thunk, an action returns a function that can do any of the above mentioned things, something like this:

const thunkAction = () => {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    // here you may
    // dispatch other actions (more than one) using the provided dispatch() parameter
    // or
    // check the current state using the getState() parameter and do conditional dispatches
    // or
    // call functions asynchronously so that these will use the provided
    // dispatch function when they return

Let’s say that we wanted to implement an asynchronous, ajax call. If we don’t want to use redux thunk, then we need to create a normal function that gets dispatch as an argument, something like this:

import {showLoadingAction, hideLoadingAction, showDataAction } from './actions'

const getData = (dispatch) => {
  $.get(data_url, data => {

The main problem with this approach is that the getData functions is not called like a normal action creator (like showLoadingAction, hideLoadingAction and showDataAction) since it actually returns nothing (so nothing will be dispatched), so you’ll need to remember to call it directly and pass it the dispatch instead of passing its return value to dispatch!

If however we used thunk, then we’d have something like this:

const getDataThunk = () => {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    $.get(data_url, data => {

Now, the above can be used like a normal action (i.e it can be called using dispatch(getDataThunk())). That’s more or less the main advantage of redux-thunk: You are able to create thunk action creators that can be called like normal actions and can do more complex things than just returning action objects so you don’t have to remember how to call each function.

I have to repeat again that everything that you be done with thunk action creators, can also be done with normal functions that get dispatch as a paremeter - the advantage of thunk action creators is that you don’t need to remember if an action creator needs to be called through disaptch(actionCreator()) or actionCreator(dispatch).

In this tutorial you’ll see heavy use of redux-thunk. This is just my personal preference - you may use it less or not at all (however, if you’ve configured your project to use redux-thunk then I propose to go all the way and use it all the time for those more complex action creators).

Explaining the application

In the following paragraphs we’ll see together the structure and source code of this application. I’ll try to go into as much detail as possible in order to solve any questions you may have (I know I had many when I tried setting up everything for the first time). I’ll skip imports and non-interesting components - after all the complete source code can be found @ https://github.com/spapas/react-tutorial/, checkout the tag react-redux. We’ll use a top down approach, starting from the main component where the client side routing is defined and the application is mounted to the DOM:


This module is used as an entry point for browserify (i.e we call browserify with browserify main.js -o bundle.js ) and uses components defined elsewhere to create the basic structure of our application. Let’s take a look at the important part of it:

const About = () => {
    return <div>
        <Link to="/">Home</Link>

    <Provider store={store}>
        <Router history={history}>
            <Route path="/" component={App}>
                <IndexRoute component={BookPanel}/>
                <Route path="/book_create/" component={BookForm} />
                <Route path="/book_update/:id" component={BookForm} />

                <Route path="/authors/" component={AuthorPanel} />
                <Route path="/author_create/" component={AuthorForm} />
                <Route path="/author_update/:id" component={AuthorForm} />

                <Route path="/about" component={About}/>
                <Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
  ), document.getElementById('content')

We can see the well-known render function from ReactDOM that gets a component and a DOM element to mount it to. The domponent we provide to render is the Provider from react-redux we talked about before in order to enable all children components to use connect to have access to the store properties and dispatch. This is the usual approact with react-redux: The outer component will always be the “Provider“.

The Provider component gets one parameter which is the store that redux will use. We have initialized our store in a different module which I will present below.

Inside the Provider we are defining a Router from react-router. This should be the parent component inside which all client-side routes of our appliccation are defined. The Router gets a history parameter which is initialized elsewhere (stick with me for now, I will talk about it later).

Now, inside Router we are defining the actual routes of this application. As we can see, there’s a parent Route that is connnected to the App component which actually contains everything else. The parent route contains an IndexRoute whose corresponding component (BookPanel) is called when no route is defined and a bunch of normal Route components whose components are called when the url matches their part. Notice how we pass parameters to urls (e.g /book_update/:id) and the match-all route (<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>).

Finally as an example of a routed-to component, notice the About component which is rendered when the route is /about. This is just a normal react component that- will be rendered inside the App component - the Link is a react-router component that renders a link to a defined route.


The store.js module contains the definition of the global store of our application (which is passed to the Provider). Here, we also define the history object we passed to the parent Router.

import { reducer as formReducer } from 'redux-form';

import createHistory from 'history/lib/createHashHistory'

// Opt-out of persistent state, not recommended.
// https://github.com/reactjs/history/blob/master/docs/HashHistoryCaveats.md
export const history = createHistory({
    queryKey: false

First of all, we see that our history object is of type HashHistory (more info about history types) and I’ve also opted out of using queryKey. If I hadn’t used the queryKey: false configuration then there’d be a ?_k=ckuvup query parameter in the URL. Now, this parameter is actually useful (it stores location state not present in the URL for example POST form data) but I don’t need it for this example (and generally I prefer cleaner URLS) - but if you don’t like the behavior of your history without it then go ahead and add it.

Also, notice that I’ve used HashHistory which will append a # to the URL and the client-side URL will come after that, so all URLs will be under (for example) /index.html like /index.html#/authors. The react-router documentation recommends using BrowserHistory which uses normal (clean) urls — so instead of /index.html#/authors we’d see /authors if we’d used BrowserHistory.

The problem with BrowserHistory is that you’ll need to configure correctly your HTTP server so that it will translate every URL (/foo) to the same URL under /index.html (/index.html#/foo) - as can be understood, without that configuration the HTTP server doesn’t know anything about the client side urls so when the webserver sees /authors it will pass /authors to your server side framework (which will return a 404 error) - that’s why this translation is needed.

However, in my case, I don’t think that configuring your HTTP server to rewrite urls is worth the trouble and also I do really prefer using # for client-side urls! This is a common patter, recognised by everybody and even without the HTTP server-configuration part I’d still prefer HashHistory over BrowserHistory - of course this is just my opinion, feel free to use BrowserHistory if you don’t like the hash #!

The next block of code from the store module creates the most important thing of a redux application, its reducer along with the global store:

const reducer = combineReducers(Object.assign({}, {
    }, {
        routing: routeReducer
    }, {
        form: formReducer

const reduxRouterMiddleware = syncHistory(history)

const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(
    thunk, reduxRouterMiddleware

export default store

Please notice above that the Object.assign method is used - I’ll talk about it later — however, another common ES6 idiom that I’ve used here is that when you define an object you can change { x: x } to { x } (so {books} means {'books': books}).

The combineReducers function is provided by redux and is a helper function that helps you in … combining reducers! As you see, I’ve combined the reducers defined in this application (books, notification, ui, categories, authors) with the reducers of react-router-redux and redux-form to create the reducer. We’ll talk a bit in the next interlude on what does combining reducers is.

The routeReducer and formReducer reducers are provided by react-router-redux and refux-form to properly handle the routing and form-related actions.

The remaining of the code generates the store: First of all, a middleware (please see next-next interlude for more) is created with syncHistory that allows actions to call history methods (so that when the URL is changed through actions they will be reflected to the history). Then, the createStoreWithMiddleware function is called to generate the store that will be passed to the Provider. This function takes the reducer as a parameter along with any store enchancers that we’d like to apply. A store enchancer is a function that modifies the store. The only store enchanccer that we use now is the output of the applyMiddleware function that combines the two middlewares we’ve defined (one is for redux thunk, the other is for syncHistory). I know, your head hurts but I’ll try to clear things out below.

Interlude: Combining reducers

So, what does the combineReducers function do? As we’ve already seen, the reducer is a simple function that gets the current state and an action as parameters and returns the next state (which is the result of applying the action to the state). The reducer will have a big switch statement that checks the type of the action and returns the correct new state. Unfortunately, this switch statement may get way too fat and unmaintainable for large projects.

That’s where combining reducers comes to the rescue: Instead of having one big, monolithic reducer for all the parts of our application state tree, we can break it to individual reducers depending only on specific slices of the state object. What this means is that if we have for example a state tree like this:

  'data': {},
  'ui': {}

with actions that manipulate either data or ui, we could create two indivdual reducers, one for the data slice, and one for the ui slice of the state tree. These reducers would get only the slice of the state that they are interested in, so the dataReducer will get only the data part of the state tree and the uiReducer will get only the ui part of the state tree.

To combine these reducers the combineReducers function is used. This function gets an object with the name of the state part for each sub-reducer as attribute names and that sub-reducer as values and returns a reducer function that passes the action along with the correct state slice to each of the sub-reducers and creates the global state object by combining the output of each sub-reducer.

This may be clarified more with our own version of a combine reducers function:

const combineReducers2 = o => {
  return (state={}, action) => {
      const mapped = Object.keys(o).map(k => (
              key: k,
              slice: o[k](state[k], action) // call k sub-reducer and get result
      const reduced = mapped.reduce((s, x)=>{
          return s
      }, {})

      return reduced;

The above function gets an object (o) with state slices and sub-reducers as input and returns a function (that function is the resulting reducer) that:

  • Creates an array (named mapped) of objects with two attributes: key for each attribute of o and slice after applying the sub-reducer to the corresponding state slice
  • Reduces and returns the above array (reduced) to a single object that has attributes for each state slice and the resulting state slice as values (this is actually the global state)

To show-off the ES6 code (and my most sadistic tendencies), the above code could be also writen like this:

const combineReducers3 = o => (state={}, action) => Object.keys(o).map(k => [
    k, o[k](state[k], action)
]).reduce((s, x) => Object.assign(s, {
    [x[0]]: x[1]
}), {})

I wouldn’t like to explain this - its more or less a more functional version of combineReducers2.

Interlude: Middlewares

A redux middleware is rather difficult to explain technically but easier to explain conceptually: What it does it that it can be used to extend the store’s dispatch by providing extra functionality. We’ve already seen such functionality, the ability to use thunk action creators (for action creators that don’t return the next state object).

If you take a look at the createStore function, you’ll see that its second parameter is called enhancer. When enhancer is a function (like in our case where it is the result of applyMiddleware) the return value of createStore is enhancer(createStore(...)) so it will call the result of applyMiddleware with the store as parameter.

Now, what does applyMiddleware? It gets a variable number of functions (using the spread ... operator) as input arguments (let’s call them middlewares) and returns another function (this is the enhancer we mentioned in the previous paragraph) that gets a store as an input and returns the same store with its dispatch method modified so that it will call each middleware and pass the result to the next. So, in our case the resulting store’s dispatch function would be something like:

(action) => reduxRouterMiddleware(thunk(dispatch(action)))

Now, a middleware function looks like this:

const middleware = store => next => action => {

it returns a function that gets the store as input and returns another function. This returned function gets next as an input. What is next? It’s just the next dispatch function to be called. So the first middleware will have the original store’s dispatch as its next parameter, the second middleware will have the result of passing the store’s dispatch from the first middleware, etc. Something like this: middleware2Dispatch(next=middleware1Dispatch(next=storeDispatch)).

Another explanation of the above is that a middleware:

  • is a function (that gets a store to enhance as input) that returns
  • another function (that gets the next dispatcher to be called as input) that returns
  • another function (that gets an action as input) which is
  • the dispatcher modified by this middleware

Let’s take a look at the thunk middleware to actually see what it looks like:

function thunkMiddleware({ dispatch, getState }) {
  return next => action =>
    typeof action === 'function' ?
      action(dispatch, getState) :

So, it gets the store (dispatch and getState are store attributes) as an input and returns a function that gets next (i.e the next dispatcher to be called) as input. This function returns another function (the modified dispatch). Since this function is a dispatcher, it will get an action as an input and if that action is a function it calls this function passing it dispatch (remember how we said if we didn’t want to use thunk then we’d just create normal functions to which we’d pass the dispatch as a parameter - that’s what it does here!). If this action is not a function (so it is a normal object) it just returns dispatch(action) to dispatch it.

Finally, we’ll create a simple middleware that will output the action type and the state for every dispatch:

const logStateMiddleware = ({dispatch, getState}) => next => action => {
  // log the action type
  console.log(action.type, getState())
  // now we must call next(action) to propagate and finally dispatch the action object

just put it in the applyMiddleware parameter list and observe all state changes!


This module contains the definition for our own defined sub-reducers that we combined in the previous paragraph (books, notification, ui, categories, authors) to create the global reducer of the application. I’ve put everything in a single file, however it is more common to create a reducers directory and put every sub-reducer inside it as a different module. Let’s start reviewing the code of the reducers.js module:

export const notification = (state={}, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION':
            let { notification_type, message } = action
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
        case 'CLEAR_NOTIFICATION':
            return {}
    return state;

export const ui = (state={}, action) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'IS_LOADING':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                isLoading: action.isLoading
        case 'IS_SUBMITTING':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                isSubmitting: action.isSubmitting
    return state;

The notification and ui are two sub-reducers that control the state of the notification popup and if the application is loading / is submitting. I won’t go into much detail about them, they are really simple. However, notice that they both create a new state object for each of their actions. To achieve this, the Object.assign() method is used. This method is defined like this: Object.assign(target, ...sources). Its first parameter is an object (a new, empty object) while the rest parameters (sources) are other objects whose properties will be assigned target. The rightmost members of sources overwrite the previous ones if they have the same names. So, for example the code

Object.assign({}, state, {
    rows: action.books.results,
    count: action.books.count,

creates a new object which will have all the properties of the current state with the exception of the rows and count attributes which will get their values from the action. This is a common idiom in redux and you are going to see it all the time so please make sure that you grok it before continuing. Also, notice that the new state is a new, empty object in which all the attributes of the new state are copied - this is because the old state cannot be mutated.

Now we’ll see the reducer that handles books. Before understanding the actual reducer, I will present the initial value of the books state slice:

function getParameterByName(name) {
    var match = RegExp('[?&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.hash);
    return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

    rows: [],
    count: 0,
    page: 1,
    sorting: getParameterByName('sorting'),
    search: getParameterByName('search'),
    book: {},

As we see, the BOOK_INITIAL constant is used to setup an initial state for the books slice of the global state. The BOOKS_INITIAL attributs are:

  • rows: The rows of the book table
  • count: The number of rows that are displayed
  • page: The current page we are on
  • sorting: User-defined sorting
  • search: User-search / filtering
  • book: The data of the book to be edited/displayed

The BOOK_INITIAL constant gets the sorting and the search initial values from the URL to allow these parameters to be initialized from the URL (so that using a url like #?search=foo will show all books containing foo). To get the parameters from the URL I’m using the getParameterByName function. Now, the actual reducer is:

export const books = (state=BOOKS_INITIAL, action) => {
    let idx = 0;
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'SHOW_BOOKS':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                rows: action.books.results,
                count: action.books.count,
        case 'SHOW_BOOK':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                book: action.book
        case 'CHANGE_PAGE':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                page: action.page
        case 'TOGGLE_SORTING':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                sorting: (state.sorting==action.sorting)?('-'+action.sorting):action.sorting
        case 'CHANGE_SEARCH':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                search: action.search
        case 'ADD_BOOK':
            return Object.assign({}, state, {
                book: action.book,
                count: state.count+1,
                rows: [
        case 'UPDATE_BOOK':
            idx = state.rows.findIndex( r => r.id === action.book.id)
            if(idx==-1) {
                return Object.assign({}, state, {
                    book: action.book
            } else {
                return Object.assign({}, state, {
                    book: action.book,
                    rows: [
                        ...state.rows.slice(0, idx),
        case 'DELETE_BOOK':
            idx = state.rows.findIndex( r => r.id == action.id)
            if(idx==-1) {
                return Object.assign({}, state, {
                    book: undefined
            } else {
                return Object.assign({}, state, {
                    book: undefined,
                    count: state.count-1,
                    rows: [
                        ...state.rows.slice(0, idx),
    return state;

The books subreducer handles the SHOW_BOOKS, SHOW_BOOK, CHANGE_PAGE, TOGGLE_SORTING and CHANGE_SEARCH actions by retrieving the paramaters of these actions and returning a new books-state-slice object with the correct parameters using Object.assign.

The ADD_BOOK action is a little more complicated: This action will be dispached when a new book is added with the data of that new book as a parameter (action.book). In order to make everything easier, I just append the new book to the end of the books that are displayed on the current page and increase the count number (I also set the new book to be the book attribute of the state). This means that the newly created book will not go to its correct place (based on the ordering) and that the visible items will be more than the ajax page coun (also notice that if you add another book then the visible items will also be increased by one more). This is not a problem (for me) since if the user changes page or does a search everything will fall back to its place. However, if you don’t like it there are two solutions, one easier and one more difficult:

  • Easier solution: When adding a book just invalidate (make undefined) the books state attribute. This will result in an ajax call to reload the books and everything will be in place. However the user may not see the newly added book if it does not fall to the currently selected page (and there’d be an extra, unnecessary ajax call)
  • Harder solution: Depending on the sorting you may check if the current books should be displayed or not on the current page and push it to its correct place (and remove the last item of rows so that count is not increased). Once again, the newly book may no be displayed at all if it does not belong to the visible page

The UPDATE_BOOK and DELETE_BOOK actions are even more complex. I’ll only explain update, delete is more or less the same (with the difference that update has the updated book as an action parameter while delete has only its id as an acton parameter): First of all we check if the updated book is currently displayed (if one of the books of rows has the same id as the updated book). If the book is not displayed then only the current edited book is set to the new state. However, if it is displayed then it would need to be updated because the rows array does not know anything about the updated values of the book!

So, inside the else branch, the idx variable will hold its current index and the rows attribute of the new state will get the following value:

    ...state.rows.slice(0, idx),

The ... spread operator expands an array so, for example [ ...[1,2,3] ] would be like [1,2,3] and the slice method gets two parameters and returns a copy of the array elements between them. Using this knowledge, we can understand that the above code returns an array ([]) that contains the books of rows from the first to the updated one (not including the updated one), the updated book object (which we get from action) and the rest of the books of rows (after the updated one).

The code for the authors and categories sub-reducers does not have any surprises so I won’t go into detail about it.

    // ...
export const authors = (state=AUTHORS_INITIAL, action) => {
    // ...

    // ...

export const categories = (state=CATEGORIES_INITIAL, action) => {
    // ...

The global state tree

Remember that all the above are sub-reducers, each one taking only a slice of the global state tree. They are all combined, along with the routing and form reducers to create the global reducer function.

This also means, that the global state object will be something like this:

  books: {},
  notification: {},
  ui: {},
  categories: {},
  authors: {},
  routing: {},
  form: {},

We won’t see this object anywhere because each sub-reducer will get its corresponding slice of that object.


The actions.js module should probably have been named action_creators.js since it actually contains redux action creators. Also, a common practice is create a folder named actions and put there individual modules that contain action creators for the sub-reducers (in our case, for example there would be books.js, authors.s etc).

In any case, for simplicity I chose to just use a module named actions.js and put everything there. One important thing to keep in mind is that actions.js contains both normal action creators (i.e functions that return actions and should be “dispatched”) and thunk action creators (i.e functions that not necessarily return actions but can be “dispatcher”) - please see the discussion about redux-thunk on a previous paragraph.

First of all, there’s a bunch of some simple action creators that just return the corresponding action object with the correct parameters. Notice that the action creators that end in *Result are called when an (async) ajax request returns, for example showBooksResult will be called when the book loading has returned and pass its result data to the reducer. The other action creators change various parts of the state object, for example loadingChanged will create an action that when dispatched it will set ui.isLoading attribute to the action parameter.

showBooksResult(books) for "SHOW_BOOKS",
showBookResult(book) for "SHOW_BOOK",
addBookResult(book) for "ADD_BOOK",
updateBookResult(book) for "UPDATE_BOOK",
deleteBookResult(id) for "DELETE_BOOK",

showAuthorsResult(authors) for "SHOW_AUTHORS",
showAuthorResult(author) for "SHOW_AUTHOR",
addAuthorResult(author) for "ADD_AUTHOR",
updateAuthorResult(author) for "UPDATE_AUTHOR",
deleteAuthorResult(id) "DELETE_AUTHOR",

showCategoriesResult(categories) for "SHOW_CATEGORIES",
showSubCategoriesResult(subcategories) for "SHOW_SUBCATEGORIES",
loadingChanged(isLoading) for "IS_LOADING",
submittingChanged(isSubmitting) for "IS_SUBMITTING",
toggleSorting(sorting) for "TOGGLE_SORTING",
changePage(page) for "CHANGE_PAGE",
changeSearch(search) for 'CHANGE_SEARCH',
showSuccessNotification(message) for 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION' (type: success),
showErrorNotification(message) for 'SHOW_NOTIFICATION', (type: error)
hideNotification() for 'CLEAR_NOTIFICATION'

The following two are thunk action creators that are called when either the user sorting or the search/filtering parameters of the displayed books are changed:

export function changeSearchAndLoadBooks(search) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        history.push( {
            search: formatUrl(getState().books)
        } )

export function toggleSortingAndLoadBooks(sorting) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        history.push( {
            search: formatUrl(getState().books)
        } )

Notice that these are thunk action creators (they return a function) and the important thing that they do is that they call two other action creators (toggleSorting or changeSearch and loadBooks) and update the URL using history.push. The history object is the one we had created in the store.js and its push method changes the displayed URL. This method uses a location descriptor that contains an attribute for the path name and an attribute for the query parameters - in or case we just want to update the query parameters (i.e #/url/?search=query1&sorting=query2), so we pass an obect with only the search attribute. The formatUrl function, to which the books state slice is passsed, is a rather simple function that checks if either the sorting or the search should exist in th URL and returns the full URL. This function is contained in the util/formatters.s module.

The following thunk action creators are used for asynchronous, ajax queries:

export function loadBooks(page=1) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        let state = getState();
        let { page, sorting, search } = state.books
        let url = `//${page}`;
        if(sorting) {
        if(search) {
        $.get(url, data => {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 1000);

export function loadBookAction(id) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {
        let url = `//${id}/?format=json`;
        $.get(url, function(data) {

export function loadAuthors(page=1) {
    // similar to loadBooks

export function loadAuthor(id) {
    // similar to loadBook

export function loadCategories() {
    // similar to loadBooks

export function loadSubCategories(category) {
    return (dispatch, getState) => {

        if(!category) {
        let url = `//${category}`;

        $.get(url, data => {

The loadBooks thunk action creator creates the URL parameters that should be passed to the REST API using the getState() method that returns the current state. It then dispatches the loadingChanged action so that the ui.isLoading will be changed to true. After that it asynchronously calls the load books REST API passing it the created url and returns. Since this is a thunk action there’s no problem that nothing is returned. When the ajax call returns it will dispatch the showBooksResult, passing the book data to change the state with the loaded book data and the loadingChanged to hide the loading spinner. Also, please notice that I’ve put the return of the ajax call inside a setTimeout to emulate a 1 second delay and be able to see the loading spinner.

I may have used setTimeout in some other places to make sure to be able to emulate server-side delays so please don’t forget to remove these “setTimeout“s from your code!

The loadBook is more or less the same - however here only a single book’s data will be loaded. When this book is loaded the loadSubCategories action will also be dispatched, passing it the loaded book’s category (so that the correct subcategories based on the category will be displayed to the form).

I won’t go into any detail about the other thunk action creators, they are simpler than those we’ve already described, except loadSubCategories: This one, checks if there’s a category and if not it will just set the displayed subcategories to and empty list (by dispatching showSubCategoriesResult([])). If the category is not empty, it will retrieve asynchronously the subcategories of the passed category.


We’ll now start explaining the actual react components (modified to be used through redux of course). The parent of all other components is the App which, as we’ve already seen in main.js is connected with the parent route:

class App extends React.Component {

    render() {
        const { isLoading } = this.props.ui;
        return <div>


            <NotificationContainer />
            <LoadingContainer isLoading={isLoading} />

            <br />

            <StatPanel bookLength={this.props.books.count} authorLength={this.props.authors.rows.length} />
            <Link className='button' to="/">Books</Link>
            <Link className='button' to="/authors/">Authors</Link>


    componentDidMount() {
        let { loadBooks, loadAuthors } = this.props;

        if(this.props.books.rows.length==0) {
        if(this.props.authors.rows.length==0) {

const mapStateToProps = state => ({

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators({
    loadBooks, loadAuthors
}, dispatch)

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);

As we can see, there’s an internal component (named App) but we export the connect``ed component. One interesting thing to notice is that ``App is an ES6 class based react component (i.e it extends React.Component — I’ll talk a bit about these components while taking a look at the BookSearchPanel which has some more interesting features).

Concerning the exported, connected component, it uses mapStateToProps for defining the state attributes that should be passed as properties to the componnt (state.{books, authors, ui}) and mapDispatchToProps for defining the props methods that will dispatch actions. To make mapDispatchToProps more compact I’ve used the bindActionCreators method from redux. This method gets an object whose values are action creators and the dispatch (from store) and returns an object whose values are the dispatch-enabled corresponding action creators. So, in our case the returned object would be something like:

    loadBooks: () => dispatch(loadBooks()),
    loadAuthors: () => dispatch(loadAuthors()),

This object of course could be created by hand, however bindActionCreators would be really useful if we wanted to dispatch lots of actions in a component (or if we had seperated our action creators to different modules) — we could for example do something like this:

import * as actions from '../actions'

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators(actions, dispatch)

The import * statemenet will create an object named item that will have all the exported actions and then bindActionCreators will return an object that dispatches these actions — passing this mapDispatchToProps to connect will allow your component to call every action and automatically dispatch it.

The internal component returns a <div /> containing, among others {this.props.children} - this will be provided by rendering the child routes. It also renders a NotificationContainer to render the notifications, a LoadingContainer to display a css “loading” spinner and a StatPanel to display some stats about books and authors. It also renders two Links one for the books table and one for the authors table.

Beyond these, when the component is mounted it checks if the authors and books have been loaded and if not, it dispatches the loadBooks and loadAuthors actions (remember, because we used mapDispatchToProps by calling these methods from props they’ll be automatically dspatched when called).

Let’s take a quick look at the three small components that are contained in App


This component is responsible for displaying a notification if there’s an active one. It also defines an internal component and exports a connected version of it, passing it the notification slice of the state tree and an onHide method that dispatches the hidNotification action.

When the internal component is rendered, it checks to see if the notification should be displayed (isActive will be true if there’s an actual message) and select the color of the background. Finally, it passes this information along with some styling to the real Notification component from react-notification.

const NotificationContainer = (props) => {
    let { message, notification_type } = props.notification;
    let { onHide } = props;
    let isActive = message?true:false;
    let color;

    switch(notification_type) {
        case 'SUCCESS':
            color = colors.success
        case 'ERROR':
            color = colors.danger
        case 'INFO':
            color = colors.info

    return <Notification
        onDismiss={ ()=>onHide() }
        onClick={ ()=>onHide() }
            bar: {
                background: color,
                color: 'black',
                fontSize: '2rem',
            active: {
                left: '3rem',
            action: {
                color: '#FFCCBC',
                fontSize: '3rem',
                border: '1 pt solid black'

let mapStateToProps = state => ({
    notification: state.notification

let mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
    onHide: () => {

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NotificationContainer);

Notice the style={{ .. }} snippet above: The external {} are the Javascript code inclusion tags of JSX while the internal {} are for creating a normal javascript object that defines the styling of the notification.

Creating a re-usable notification

Please notice that although I’ve implemented this as a connected component this is not the only way to do it! Actually, probably my implementation is less-reusable from the others I will propose…

In any case, instead of implementing NotificationContainer as a connected component we could have implemented it as a normal, non connected component that would receive two properties from its parent: the notification slice of state and an onHide function that would dispatch hideNotification. Doing this would be very easy, just change App so that its mapDispatchToProps would also return the notification slice of the state - and pass this slice as a property to the NotificationContainer. Also, the onHide method should have been also defined in the mapDispatchToProps of App and passed as a property to NotificationContainer. Notice that this makes NotificationContainer a reusable component since we could pass anything we wanted as the notification object and onHide method.

Also, if we needed to implement NotificationContainer as a connected object but we still needed it to be reusable we’d then export the non-connected NotificationContainer and create a bunch of ConnectedNotificationContainer that would define mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps and export the connected component. This way, each ConnecteNotificationContainer would receive a different state slice and a different onHide method, for example we may had different notifications for books and different notifications for authors. Notice that this approach, i.e create a reusable non-connected component and use it to create connected components by defining their mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps is the approach proposed by react-redux to create components.

Finally, one last comment on this approach that may clarify more the purpose of mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps of connected components is that these two functions are dual (mirror):

  • Using mapStateToProps we define which parts of the state will actually be passed to the component (= reading the state).
  • Using mapDispatchToProps we define the actions which will be dispatched by the component (= changing/writing the state)


This is a really simple component: If the isLoading parameter is true, display a div with the loading class:

export default ({isLoading}) => <div>
    {isLoading?<div className="loading">Loading&#8230;</div>:null}

The important thing here is what the loading class does to display the spinner - I’m leaving it to you to check it at static/cssloader.css (this is not my css code - I’ve copied it from http://codepen.io/MattIn4D/pen/LiKFC ).

Also, please notice that in this module we just export a function, taking an object which has an isLoading attribute as a parameter. That’s a functional react component: A function that gets a params object as an input and implements the render method, returning a component.

Using functional components is recommended for reasons that are far too obvious (easy to test - just call the function, idemponent - no state to keep track of, less code to write, easier to the eye, functional ) - you should use class based components only when absolutely necessary (i.e when the component needs to keep some local state or when it needs to do stuff on componentWillMount).


Another very simple functional component - just display the number of books and authors from the passed parameter.


Continuing our top-down approach on exploring the project, we’ll now talk about the BookPanel component which is displayed by the IndexRoute. Before talking about the actual component, I’d like to present the getCols function that is used to create an array of the columns that will be displayed by the Table we render in this panel.

As we can see, the getCols gets one parameter which is the sort method — this method gets a string and uses it to toggle sorting by this string. We use a function to create the columns instead of a constant because that sort_function needs to dispatch an action — dispatch is available from the props that the functional BookPanel component receives so the function will be called from inside that functional component.

Each column, has up to four parameters:

  • A key which is the attribute of the row object to display
  • A title which is the column title
  • A format (optional) which may be used to display the value of that column and
  • A sorting (optional) which is a function that will be called when the column title is clicked (so that the sorting is changed ) - this attribute is created using the sort_method

We’ll see how these attributes are used by the Table in the corresponding section. Five columns have been defined: id (which, when clicked will update the book that’s where format is used), title, category_name, publish_date and author_name:

const getCols = sort_method => [
        key: 'id',
        label: 'ID',
        format: x=><Link to={`/book_update/${x.id}/`}>{x.id}</Link>,
        sorting: sort_method('id')
    {key: 'title', label: 'Title', sorting: sort_method('title')},
    {key: 'category_name', label: 'Category', sorting: sort_method('subcategory__name')},
    {key: 'publish_date', label: 'Publish date', sorting: sort_method('publish_date')},
    {key: 'author_name', label: 'Author', sorting: sort_method('author__last_name')},

The actual (exported) BookPanel is a connected component - we need to use connect because we can’t actually pass properties or dispatch to this component since it is rendered through a route (and not as a child of another component), so it must be connected to the store through connect to be able to receive state attributes and dispatch. We pass the books state slice as a property using mapStateToProps and use the same techique as before in App with bindActionCreators to create auto-dispatchable actions.

As we can see, after retrieving the needed properties from the books state slice and the actions to dispatch, we define an onSearchChanged function that will be passed to the BookSearchPanel to be called when the search query is changed.

Next, the sort_method is defined. This is a function that gets a key parameter and returns another function that dispatches toggleSortingAndLoadBooks passing it that key. This is the parameter that is passed to getCols. So, for example for the id, the result of the sort_method would be the following function: () => toggleSortingAndLoadBooks('id').

Finally, the BookPanel renders the following:

  • A BookSearchPanel passing it the search property and the onSearchChanged action
  • A Link to create a new book
  • A Table passing it the sorting and rows parameters and the cols constant we just defined
  • A PagingPanel passing it the total number of books (count), the current page (page) and two methods onNextPage and onPreviousPage that will be called when switch to the next or previous page.

As we can see, the onNextPage and onPreviousPage functions dispach the changePage action passing it the page to change to and reload the books by dispatch loadBooks. Instead of this we could create a changePageAndLoadBooks thunk action creator that would call these two methods when dispatched (similarly to how changeSearchAndLoadBooks and toggleSortingAndLoadBooks have been implemented) - I’m leaving it like this to show all possibilities:

const BookPanel = (props) => {
    const { rows, count, page, sorting, search } = props.books;
    const { loadBooks, changePage, toggleSortingAndLoadBooks, changeSearchAndLoadBooks  } = props;

    const onSearchChanged = query => changeSearchAndLoadBooks(query)
    const sort_method = key => () => toggleSortingAndLoadBooks(key)
    const cols = getCols(sort_method)

    return <div>
        <BookSearchPanel search={search} onSearchChanged={onSearchChanged} />
        <div className="row">
            <div className="twelve columns">
                <h3>Book list <Link className='button button-primary' style={{fontSize:'1em'}} to="/book_create/">+</Link></h3>
                <Table sorting={sorting} cols={cols} rows={rows} />
        <PagingPanel count={count} page={page} onNextPage={() => {
        }} onPreviousPage={ () => {
        }} />

const mapStateToProps = state => ({

const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => bindActionCreators({
    loadBooks, changePage, toggleSortingAndLoadBooks, changeSearchAndLoadBooks
}, dispatch)

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(BookPanel);


The BookSearchPanel is a component used for searching books. What is interesting about this component is that it has internal state (i.e state that is not reflected to the global search tree). Notice that BookSearchPanel is an ES6 class component. Here are some of its characteristics as opposed to non-ES6 react components:

  • It extends React.Component instead of using React.CreateClass
  • It has a constructor that initializes the local state instead of implementing getInitialState
  • It does not automatically bind the methods to this so we do it in the constructor (or else this would be undefined in onSearchChange and onClearSearch) - be very careful with that, its a common problem

So, what happens here? We render an HTML input element and call this.onSearchChange method. This method retrieves the current value of the input (using this.refs) and, if the previous change was more than 400 ms ago calls the provided (through props) onSearchChanged method that will dispatch the changeSearchAndLoadBooks action with the current value as a parameter (notice however that this.setState is always called immediately or else the user keypresses wouldn’t be reflected to the input).

The whole thing with the ths.promise and clearInterval is to make sure that the provided onSearchChanged will not be called too often (i.e it will be called 400 ms after the last keypress):

export default class SearchPanel extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.onSearchChange = this.onSearchChange.bind(this)
        this.onClearSearch = this.onClearSearch.bind(this)
        this.state = {}

    render() {
        return (
            <div className="row">
                <div className="one-fourth column">
                    Filter: &nbsp;
                    <input ref='search' name='search' type='text' defaultValue={this.props.search} value={this.state.search} onChange={this.onSearchChange } />
                    {(this.state.search||this.props.search)?<button onClick={this.onClearSearch} >x</button>:''}

    onSearchChange() {
        let query = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.search).value;
        if (this.promise) {
            search: query
        this.promise = setTimeout(() => this.props.onSearchChanged(query), 400);

    onClearSearch() {
            search: ''

Let’s take a closer look at the <input> element:

<input ref='search' name='search' type='text' defaultValue={this.props.search} value={this.state.search} onChange={this.onSearchChange } />

The ref property is used to reference this element using ReactDOM.findDOMNode - that’s one possible way to retrieve the value of this object. Another way would be to add an event parameter to onSearchChange - this parameter would receive the DOM event of the change so the value of the element could be retrieved using event.target.value.

The difference between the defaultValue and value parameters is really important: The defaultValue is just the initial value of this specific input and it will be equal to props.search (so that if the user enters a URL which has a search query parameter this will be pre-filled here). On the other hand, the value parameter is the current value of the element and will be equal to the state.search. When the user types in the input, the onSearchChange will be called which will always change the state.search and the value will get the correct, new value (or else the change wouldn’t be reflected to the user)!

Finally concerning the clear search query button, when there’s a search query a x button will be displayed if there’s something to the input field which, when clicked the search local state will be cleared and the provided onSearchChanged will be called with an empty query.


The Table is a reusable, functional react component that is used for both books and authors.

First of all, we define a formatHeader function that is used to format the table header: This function gets an object with key and label as parameters (which is the column to be formated) and a sorting parameter (which is the current table’s sorting) and returns the label with a '+' in front of it if the sorting is ascending by this column or a '-' if the sorting is descending by this column or just the label if this column is not used for sorting:

const formatHeader = ({key, label}, sorting) => (sorting==key)?('+'+label):(

The Table uses the props we mentioned before when talking about BookPanel. When it is rendered, the headers of the table are constructed by applying a map method on the items of the cols attribute. Remember that map will apply a function to all items of a list and return a new list with the results. So this will create a list of correctly formatted <th> elements.

In our case, the mapper checks if each column has a sorting attribute and if yes it creates a clickable header that calls sorting when clicked and is formatted with formatHeader (remember sort_method we talked about in BookPanel). If there’s no sorting for that column it just displays the column header.

The rows of the table are created using two maps, one that maps the rows which, for each row maps cols to get the individual values for this row and column. So, for the rows a list of <tr> elements each one including the correct <td> elements will be created:

export default (props) => {
    const headers = props.cols.map(col => <th key={col.key}>
        {col.sorting?<a href='#' onClick={e => {
            {formatHeader(col, props.sorting)}
    const rows = props.rows.map(row => <tr key={row.id}>
            props.cols.map(col => <td key={col.key}>

    return <table>

The key property I am passing to all elements that belong to a list is to help React identify these child elements - we’d get a Warning: Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. error without this property.

Also, please notice that the const headers and rows we’ve defined are there just for clarity - we could instead put them directly inside the returned <table> and have a cool, totally functional function!


Another functional and reusable component - this one has params with the attributes page, page_size, count, onNextPage, onPreviousPage and, after finding out the total number of pages it renders the current page number and the total pages number along with two buttons that will execute the onNextPage and onPreviousPage that are passed as properties (these methods will dispatch the changePage and loadBooks actions as we’ve already seen in BookPanel). One thing to notice here is that the next and previous page buttons will only be rendered if we are not in the first or last page (so if there’s only one page you won’t see any buttons).

export default ({page=1, page_size=5, count, onNextPage, onPreviousPage, ...props}) => {
    const total_pages = Math.ceil(count / page_size);

    return <div className="row">
        {page==1?null:<button onClick={e => {
        &nbsp; Page {page} of {total_pages} &nbsp;
        {page==total_pages?null:<button onClick={e => {

The same paging panel could be used for any table we wanted to have paging: Just pass it the page number, page size, total number of items and what to do when next or previous page buttons are clicked.

Interlude: A more functional component

How could we make PagingPanel more functional (i.e how could we remove the const total_pages definition) ? The easy way would be to just substitute it with its definition inside the returned <div> however we’d need to substitute it two times so we’d loose our precious DRYness! So we’d need to think of another way.

People from the django world will be familiar with the with template tag. This tag is used in django templates to assign a complex value to a constant and use this value instead of the complex value. Something like this

{% with simple=a.complex|calculation %}
    In here I can just use {{ simple }} instead of {{ a.complex|calculation }}!
{% endwith %}

Having such a concept in ES6 would be ideal for our case! I am not sure if something like with actually exists, however we can really easy emulate it with a function closure, something like this:

export default ({page=1, page_size=5, count, onNextPage, onPreviousPage, ...props}) => (
    total_pages => <div className="row">
        {page==1?null:<button onClick={e => { /* ... */ }}>&lt;</button>}
        &nbsp; Page {page} of {total_pages} &nbsp;
        {page==total_pages?null:<button onClick={e => { /* ... */ }}>&gt;</button>}
)(Math.ceil(count / page_size))

We define a function that gets total_pages as a parameter and returns another function ( this one is the actual render method of the PagingPanel) and call the outer function passing it the value we want to give to total_pages. This way, the total_pages will have a value in the inner function! Thank you, function closure!!!

Now PagingPanel is also a completely functional function component!


The last book-related component is BookForm. This component is used to both create and update a book. It also has a delete button for removing books. To decide if this is a create or an update form, it relies on the parameter passed from the route - remember how the two routes have been defined in main.js:

<Route path="/book_create/" component={BookForm} />
<Route path="/book_update/:id" component={BookForm} />

So, although create and update render the same component, their difference is that update will contain the id of the book to be updated in the url. This (along with any other url parameters) is passed by react-router as a property through an object named params to the BookForm component, so, when updating a book the props.params.id of BookForm should have a value.

The BookForm is a connected component (because it needs access to the state slice and dispatch and is rendered through a route), however because it is also a redux-form, a special method (reduxForm) is used to connect the component and pass the form-related props to the component:

const mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
    let initial = {}
    const { book } = state.books

    if(props.params.id && book) {
        initial = book

    return {
        book: state.books.book,
        categories: state.categories,
        authors: state.authors,
        ui: state.ui,
        initialValues: initial,

export default reduxForm({
    form: 'bookForm',
    fields: ['title', 'category', 'subcategory', 'publish_date', 'author' ],
}, mapStateToProps)(BookForm);

The mapStateToProps contains a bunch of required things from the state (we need the current book that is edited, the categories to select from, the authors to also select from and the ui to find out if submitting has finished and render the buttons as enabled/disabled). Beyond these, we see that there’s an initialValues attribute to the object returned from mapStateToProps. This attribute is used to initialize the form fields. So if our form has fields named title and category, if the initial object had title and category attributes the form fields would be initialized by them. In our case, we just check if the props.params.id method is defined and the to-be-updated book has been loaded to the state and just assign the to-be-updated book to initialValues.

The reduxForm method is used to connect the form component: Beyond the usual mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps (we don’t actually use mapDispatchToProps here because I feel that just getting dispatch is more clear), it needs a required parameter which is the object used to initialize the redux-form form: This object should have

  • A form attribute with the name of the form. This must be unique among all forms in your application and will be used as a parameter to the actions that redux-form will dispatch
  • A fields string array with the names of the form fields. For each one of them a field will be passed to the props.fields array in the form component
  • A optional validate attribute that is a function that will be called when the form fields are changed

The validate function gets an object with the field names with their corresponding values as attributes and should return another object with the field names that have an error and the error message. In our case, we want the title to be required and the date to be valid (if exists), so the validate is:

const validate = values => {
    const errors = {};
    if (!values.title) {
        errors.title = 'Required';
    if(values.publish_date) {
        const re = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/;
        if(!re.exec(values.publish_date)) {
            errors.publish_date = 'Invalid';
    return errors;

I just used a very simple regular expression to check the validity of the date (it must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD) - this is just to make a point, for normal date rendered you should use moment.js.

This validate function is called whenever a form field is changed so, depending on the implementation of course, the error messages will be shown and hidden as the user types in the fields. Please notice that when the user starts typing in a field in an empty form, this field may be valid but all other fields will be empty - to avoid displaying an error message for fields that the user has not been yet been able to modify, we can use the touched property of each field — only display the field’s error message if this field has been touched. When the form is submitted all fields are changed to touched so all error messages will be displayed.

The internal BookForm is an ES6 class based component that needs to do some things when the componentDidMount method is called:

  • Check if the categories have been loaded - if not dispatch the loadCategories action
  • Check if the this is an update and if yes, check to see if the to-be-updated book needs to be loaded and, if it needs dispatch loadBook with the book’s id
class BookForm extends React.Component {

    componentDidMount() {
        if(this.props.categories.categories.length==0) {

        if (this.props.params.id) {
            if(!this.props.book || this.props.book.id != this.props.params.id) {
        } else {
            // New book

    render() {
        const {fields: {
            title, category, subcategory, publish_date, author
        }, handleSubmit, dispatch } = this.props;
        const { id } = this.props.params;
        const { isSubmitting } = this.props.ui;
        const { categories, subcategories } = this.props.categories;
        const authors = this.props.authors.rows;

        const tsubmit = submit.bind(undefined,id);
        const dsubmit = del.bind(undefined,id, dispatch);

        return <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(tsubmit)}>
            <div className='row'>
                <div className='six columns'>
                    <Input label='Title' field={title} />
            <div className='row'>
                <div className='six columns'>
                    <Select label='Category' field={category} options={categories} onChange={ event => {
                <div className='six columns'>
                    <Select label='Subcategory' field={subcategory} options={subcategories} />
            <div className='row'>
                <div className='six columns'>
                    <DatePicker className="u-full-width" label='Publish Date' field={publish_date} />
                <div className='six columns'>
                    <Select label='Author' field={author} options={
                        authors.map(a => ({'id': a.id, 'name': `${a.first_name} ${a.last_name}`}))
                    } />
            <button disabled={isSubmitting} className='button button-primary' onClick={handleSubmit(tsubmit)}>
            {id?<button disabled={isSubmitting} type='button' className='button button-primary' style={{backgroundColor: danger}} onClick={dsubmit}>

The render method of BookForm defines (for convenience) a bunch of constants which are attributes of props:

  • The fields object contains the field attributes of the form which have been defined through the reduxForm function.
  • The handleSubmit is also provided by reduxForm and is used to submit the form - I’ll explain it a bit later
  • The dispatch is provided by connect (remember, reduxForm is a special connect). If you don’t use mapDispatchToProps then connect will provide dispatch to props to use it as you like
  • The id is from the route - it will have value when updating and will be undefined when creating a new book
  • The isSubmitting, categories, subcategories and authors are provided from the state attributes through mapStateToProps
  • The tsubmit and dsubmit are used when the form is submitted or the Delete button is clicked. As we’ll see the tsubmit is passed as an argument to handleSubmit while the dsubmit` is used as it is.

Beyond fields and handleSubmit a reduxForm enabled form component has various other properties that you can use, like active, dirty, error, pristine etc. Each field provided from reduxForm also has a bunch of properties, like active, checked, dirty, error, onBlur, onChange, onFocus, pristine, touched, valid, value, visited. I won’t use most of these here however please make sure that you are familiar with these when using redux-form.

After defining the constants, the render method returns the actual component. Here we are using a bunch of child components we’ve defined to render the input fields, like Input, DatePicker and Select which will be explained later. For each one of these components we pass the corresponding field property along with the label we want to show. There are some interesting things in the parameters we pass to these input components:

All fields except category use their own onChange. For the category field we pass a custom onChange function that will override the field onChange in order to dispatch loadSubCategories when the category is changed (notice that in the custom onChange I actually call the category.onChange first and then use event.target.value to get the current value of the dropdown to pass it to the dispatched loadSubCategories).

The Select fields get an options parameter which should be an array with id/name objects. For authors we create that array on the fly using map (since an author object has a first_name and last_name).

The submit and delete buttons will be enabled or disabled depending on the isSubmitting flag, and will call handleClick(tsubmit) or dsubmit correspondingly. Also, the Delete button will be hidden if no id is provided.

The handleSubmit method provided by reduxForm will run the validate function passing it the values from the form (notice that this is synchronous validation, we could also do asynchronous - on the server- validation for example to immediately check if a username is already used), and if the validation does not return any errors, it will submit the form. Submitting the form means that handleSubmit will either call this.props.onSubmit or will call the argument of handleSubmit (that’s what we’ve done here), passing it the data of the form.

In our case, we want to pass the id of the book to be updated (or undefined when the form is used to create a book) to the submit function, that’s why I am assigning submit.bind(undefined,id) to tsubmit (which is what is passed to handleSubmit) - this will return a new function with the id as its first argument. The handleSubmit also passes the values of the form as an object along with the dispatch function, so submit is a function with three arguments:

const submit = (id, values, dispatch) => {
    let url = '//'
    let type = 'POST'

    if(id) {
        url = `//${id}/`
        type = 'PUT'


        data: values,
        success: (d) => {
            if(id) {
            } else {

        error: (d) => {
            dispatch(showErrorNotification(`Error (${d.status} - ${d.statusText}) while saving: ${d.responseText}` ))

As we can see it just checks if the id has a value and creates the url and the HTTP method for the update (either a POST when creatign a new book or a PUT when updating an existing one). It will then dispatch the submittingChanged action to change the UI (disable the buttons) and do the ajax call. When the call returns, if everything was ok it will dispatch the submittingChanged (with false as a parameter), the showSuccessNotification (with success as parameter), either updateBookResult or addBookResult with the retrieved data as paramater (depending if there was an id) and finally it will change the URL to / to display the books table. If there was an error it will once again dispatch the submittingChanged action to turn off the submit flag of the state and showErrorNotification with information on the error. The url won’t change so that the user will be able to fix the error and retry submitting.

The del function is a little different. We bind not only with id but also with dispatch because we don’t call it through handleSubmit (since when deleting no validation is actually needed) but directly as the onclick handler of the delete button (so we must pass dispatch manually):

const del = (id, dispatch) => {
    const url = `//${id}/`
    const type='DELETE';
        success: (d) => {
        error: (d) => {
            dispatch(showErrorNotification(`Error (${d.status} - ${d.statusText}) while saving: ${d.responseText}` ))

This function sends a DELETE method to the correct url and, if everything was ok dispatches the showSuccessNotification, deleteBookResult and routeActions.push, similarly with submit.

One thing that I’d like to discuss here is the nature of the submit and del functions: These function do dispatch other actions but they are not implemented as thunks so, in order to be able to actually dispatch something they need to retrieve dispatch as a parameter (please remember the discussion on the redux-thunk section and the difference between dispatch(actionCreator) and actionCreator(dispatch) ). The submit function receives dispatch from handleSubmit while we pass dispatch directly (using bind) to the del function.

I could have implemented them as thunks (and put them to the actions module) however I feel that leaving them here will make the API of the application more compact (since if these functions had been put in the actions module they would need to be exported so they’d be a part of the public API of this application - however these two are only called from BookForm) and also their purpose and integration with handleSubmit is more clear if we leave them as plain functions. This is just my personal opinion - if for example you wanted to allow deleting a book not only from the BookForm but also from the BookPanel (by adding a delete button to each book row) then you’d definitely need to export del as an action creator (preferably as a thunk action creator to be consistent with the others).


This is a simple functional component that gets a redux-form text field and a label as properties and renders a text input with a <label> and an optional error message. The error message will only be rendered if the field has been touched (i.e the user has changed the field or the form has been submitted) and there’s an actual error:

export default ({field, label}) => <div>
    <label forHtml={field.name}>{label}</label>
    <input type='text' className="u-full-width" {...field} />
    {field.touched && field.error && <div style={{color: 'white', backgroundColor: danger}}>{field.error}</div>}

One thing I’d like to explain is the {...field} snippet I pass to <input>. This is the object spread operator and will convert each attribute of the field object to a corresponding attr=value pair, i.e

<input ... name=field.name onChange=field.onChange value=field.value onBlur=field.OnBlur etc />


The Select component renders a dropdown (select) input. It should receive a redux-form field, a label and an array of objects with id and name attributes that will be rendered as the options. The label and error` will be rendered similarly to ``Input:

export default ({field, label, options, ...props}) => <div>
    <label forHtml={field.name}>{label}</label>
    <select type='text' className="u-full-width" {...field} {...props} >
        {options.map(c => <option value={c.id} key={c.id} >{c.name}</option>)}
    {field.touched && field.error && <div style={{color: 'white', backgroundColor: danger}}>{field.error}</div>}

For the options we include an empty option (as a default value) and the other options are created with the help of a map. Finally, notice that I have also used ...props here in the the function parameter list to capture all parameters not captured by field, label and options and then pass both {...field} and {...props} to the select component. This is to capture the custom onChange (that I pass for the categories Select) and use that custom onChange when the select value changes. The custom onChange will override the field.onChange because the {…props} is after {…field}, so the resulting select will be something like:

<select ... onChange=field.onChange ... onChange=props.onChange >

This is a common idiom for overriding properties of objects that are passed to components - for example I could pass a className property to <Select> to override the default one (className="u-full-width").


This component is used to render a jquery-ui datepicker. Similarly to the other input components it receives a redux-form field and a label. However, this is a class based component because it needs to have this for attaching the datepicker to an input. Beyond the normal rendering, we can see that we have added a ref='date' to the input to allow us to refer to it later. This ref is used by componentDidMount and handleChange:

class DatePicker extends React.Component {
    render() {
        const { field, label } = this.props
                <label forHtml={field.name}>{label}</label>
                <input type='text' ref='date' className="u-full-width" {...field} />
                {field.touched && field.error && <div style={{color: 'white', backgroundColor: danger}}>{field.error}</div>}

    componentDidMount() {
        $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.date)).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' });
        $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.date)).on('change', this.handleChange.bind(this));

    componentWillUnmount() {


    handleChange(e) {
        let date = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.date).value

The componentDidMount retrieves the input DOM element through the ref and makes it a datepicker. It also sets its onchange method to the handleChange method (notice the bind(this) part — this is needed so that this will be defined correctly inside the handleChange). The handleChange retrieves the current date (once again from the ref) and just calls the onChange of the provided field, passing it the date value.

Should I create my own input components?

As you’ve seen, I’ve created my own custom input components. These components are created with the correct styling for the css framework I use here (skeleton.css) but of course with small changes could easily be modified to be used with other css frameworks (I am using bootstrap 3 in most of my normal apps and such components work great). They also have been created for exactly my needs (i.e get the redux-form field as input, allow overriding onChange etc).

Instead of creating your own components by hand, you could of course use some specific component libraries like material-ui or react-bootstrap. These libraries contain components such as the Input or Select we implemented here with a consistent API and styling. Unfortunately, these components are a little more difficult to use than just creating your own:

  • You need to learn their API (the names of the properties they get, their behavior in various conditions etc)
  • You need to learn their styling API (most of them make it difficult to customize their appearence)
  • It is not very easy to integrate them to your existing css framework (if you have one), so you’ll need to go all the way to use their styles
  • You may need to use custom components anyway because you want to use a different javascript component that is not provided by these libraries

It all boils down to how big is your project and if you already have some styling for your pages. If you want to build a rather small project or your project already has a consistent styling then its better to create the required input components by hand. If on the other hand you want to build a big project from scratch then probably it would be better to bite the bullet and use a component library, but keep in mind that you may actually need to create your own components.


The AuthorPanel uses Table to list the authors. Since I haven’t used pagination or sorting here the component is very simple:

const cols = [
    {key: 'id', label: 'id', format: x=><Link to={`/author_update/${x.id}/`}>{x.id}</Link>},
    {key: 'last_name', label: 'Last name',},
    {key: 'first_name', label: 'First name',},

const AuthorPanel = (props) => <div className="row">
    <div className="twelve columns">
        <h3>Author list <Link className='button button-primary' style={{fontSize:'1em'}} to="/author_create/">+</Link></h3>
        <Table cols={cols} rows={props.authors.rows} />

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({


The AuthorForm is similar to BookForm and is used to create a new author, update or delete an existing one. It uses the Input component to edit the first and last name of each author. I won’t go into more detail about this component since everything must be clear by now.

Changing the UI when the data is changed

Commenter Tomas Jacobsen asked for a tutorial on how the UI will be updated when the data is changed in a different window. Well, requirements like this is actually the reason for using react and redux I decided to add that capability to this application. If you want to check it out, please git checkout the tag react-redux-poll-update of the same repository (https://github.com/spapas/react-tutorial/).

This extra functionality simply checks (using polling) every few seconds if the number of authors has changed and if it has, it will reload the authors and dispaly a notification. Beyond the ES6 code, I’ve added a small REST API view that returns the number of authors in the database (it just returns a number) and a django management command that adds an author. So, to test the new functionality, run the django application and thhen run python manage.py add_author in a different window - after a few seconds you should see that the authors have been updated along with a notification.

To implement the UI update in ES6, I’ve added a file named scheduler.js with the following contents:

import store from './store'
import {loadAuthors, showSuccessNotification} from './actions';

export default () => {
    console.log("Starting scheduler")
    window.setInterval( () => {

        let url = '';
        $.get(url, realAuthorNumber => {
            let authorNumber = store.getState().authors.rows.length;
            if(authorNumber!=realAuthorNumber) {
                store.dispatch(showSuccessNotification("Authors have changed - reloading ..."));

    }, 2000);

and then just import the default function from main.js and call it:

import schedule from './scheduler';


So, we can see that every 2 seconds we retrieve (using Ajax) the number of authors and, if their number is different than the current number of authors in the UI (which we retrieve from the store using its getState method) display the notification and reload the authors (by dispatching two actions (which are created through the corresponding actions creators)! That’s all that is needed to update the UI!

Notice that, although I’ve used ajax and polling to find out when the UI needs to be updated you could instead use whatever different method you like, for example WebSockets.


In the above sections we presented and explained a more or less complete single page react / redux application, almost ready to be deployed to production. I tried to explain every concept I came across that’s why this article became more fat that I was expecting when I started writing it! The presented application supports nearly everything you’ll want to use when creating your own apps:

  • Complex forms
  • Custom components
  • Asynchronous actions / Ajax
  • Creating / updating / deleting objects
  • Client side routing
  • Result lists with pagination, sorting and filtering

The above have been implemented using the following technologies / libraries:

  • Django / django-rest-framework
  • ES6 with babel
  • browserify / watchify / babelify
  • React / redux / react-redux
  • redux-thunk / redux-form / react-router-redux / react-notification

What could be missing from the application we presented here:

  • Tests!
  • Integrating redux-devtools
  • Using envify to seperate development/production client side code (this is needeed if you actually integrate redux-devtools)
  • Intagration with a component library

I advice you to research these subjects a bit - I’ll also try to write another (hopefully thinner) post with more info about these.

Finally, two thing I’d like to point out and keep in mind are that using redux/react-redux the flow of the data is crystal and that as you’ve already seen by now, writing functional components and reducers is pure fun!

Ajax data with Fixed Data Table for React


FixedDataTable is a nice React component from Facebook that is used to render tabular data. Its main characteristic is that it can handle many rows without sacrificing performance, however probably due to this fact I was not able to find any examples for loading data using Ajax - all examples I was able to find had the data already loaded (or created on the fly).

So, although FixedDataTable is able to handle many rows, I am against transfering all of them to the user whenever our page loads since at most one page of data will be shown on screen (30 rows or so ?) - any other actions (filtering, sorting, aggregate calculations etc) should be done on the server.

In the following I will present a simple, react-only example with a FixedDataTable that can be used with server-side, asynchronous, paginated data.

Our project

Let’s see an example of what we’ll build:

Our project

As a source of the data I’ve used the Star Wars API and specifically its People API by issuing requests to http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json. This will return an array of people from the star wars universe in JSON format - the results are paginated with a page size of 10 (and we can switch to another page using the extra page= request parameter).

I will use es6 with the object spread operator (as described in a previous article) to write the code, using a single main.js as a source which will be transpiled to dist/bundle.js.

The placeholder HTML for our application is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Hello Ajax Fixed Data Table!</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fixed-data-table/0.6.0/fixed-data-table.min.css'>
    <div id="main"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" src='dist/bundle.js' ></script>

The versions that are used are react 14.3 and fixed-data-table 0.6.0. You can find this project in github @ https://github.com/spapas/react-tables — tag name fixed-data-table-ajax.

How FixedDataTable gets its data

The data of a FixedDataTable component is defined through a number of Column components and specifically, the cell attribute of that component which sould either return be a static string to be displayed in that column or a React component (usually a Cell) that will be displayed in that column or even a function that returns a string or a react component. The function (or component) passed to cell will have an object with a rowIndex attribute (among others) as a parameter, for example the following

  cell={props => props.rowIndex}

will just display the rowIndex for each cell.

So we can see that for each cell that FixedDataTable wants to display it will use its corresponding cell attribute. So, a general though if we wanted to support asynchronous, paginated data is to check the rowIndex and retrieve the correct page asynchronously. This would lead to a difficulty: What should the cell function return? We’ll try to resolve this using an AjaxCell function that should return a react componet to put in the cell:

AjaxCell: Non working version 1

A first sketch of an `AjaxCell component could be something like this:

// Careful - not working
const AjaxCell1 = ({rowIndex, col, ...props}) => {
    let page = 1;
    let idx = rowIndex;
    if(rowIndex>=pageSize) {
        page = Math.floor(rowIndex / pageSize) + 1;
        idx = rowIndex % pageSize;
    fetch('http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json&page='+page).then(function(response) {
        return response.json();
    }).then(function(j) {
        // Here we have the result ! But where will it go ?
    return /// what ?

The col attribute will later be used to select the attribute we want to display in this cell. The page and idx will have the correct page number and idx inside that page (for example, if rowIndex is 33, page will be 4 and idx will be 3. The problem with the above is that the fetch function will be called asynchronously so when the AjaxCell returns it will not have the results (yet)! So we won’t be able to render anything :(

AjaxCell: Non working version 2

To be able to render something, we could put the results of fetching a page to a cache dictionary — and only fetch that page if it is not inside the cache - if it is inside the cache then we’ll just return the correct value:

// Careful - not working correctly
const cache = {}
const AjaxCell2 = ({rowIndex, col, forceUpdate, ...props}) => {
    let page = 1;
    let idx = rowIndex;
    if(rowIndex>=pageSize) {
        page = Math.floor(rowIndex / pageSize) + 1;
        idx = rowIndex % pageSize;
    if (cache[page]) {
        return <Cell>{cache[page][idx][col]}</Cell>
    } else {
        console.log("Loading page " + page);
        fetch('http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json&page='+page).then(function(response) {
            return response.json();
        }).then(function(j) {
            cache[page] = j['results'];
    return <Cell>-</Cell>;

The above will work, since it will return an empty (<Cell>-</Cell>) initially but when the fetch returns it will set the cache for that page and return the correct value (<Cell>{cache[page][idx][col]}</Cell>).

However, as can be understood, when the page first loads it will call AjaxCell2 for all visible cells — because fetch is asynchronous and takes time until it returns (and sets the cache for that page), so the fetch will be called for all cells!

AjaxCell: Non working version 3

fetch ing each page multiple times is of course not acceptable, so we’ll add a loading flag and fetch will be called only when this flag is false, like this:

// Not ready yet
const cache = {};
let loading = false;
const AjaxCell2 = ({rowIndex, col, ...props}) => {
    let page = 1;
    let idx = rowIndex;
    if(rowIndex>=pageSize) {
        page = Math.floor(rowIndex / pageSize) + 1;
        idx = rowIndex % pageSize;
    if (cache[page]) {
        return <Cell>{cache[page][idx][col]}</Cell>
    } else if(!loading) {
        console.log("Loading page " + page);
        loading = true;

        fetch('http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json&page='+page).then(function(response) {
            return response.json();
        }).then(function(j) {
            cache[page] = j['results'];
            loading = false;
    return <Cell>-</Cell>;

This works much better - the cells are rendered correctly and each page is loaded only once. However, if for example I tried to move to the end of the table quickly, I would see some cells that are always loading (they never get their correct value). This is because there is no way to know that the fetch function has actually completed in order to update with the latest (correct) value of that cell and will contain the stale placeholder (<Cell>-</Cell>) value.

AjaxCell: Final version

To clear the stale data we need to do an update to the table data when each fetch is finished — this should be done by a callback that will be passed to the AjaxCell, like this:

const cache = {};
let loading = false;
const AjaxCell = ({rowIndex, col, forceUpdate, ...props}) => {
    let page = 1;
    let idx = rowIndex;
    if(rowIndex>=pageSize) {
        page = Math.floor(rowIndex / pageSize) + 1;
        idx = rowIndex % pageSize;
    if (cache[page]) {
        return <Cell>{cache[page][idx][col]}</Cell>
    } else if(!loading) {
        console.log("Loading page " + page);
        loading = true;

        fetch('http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json&page='+page).then(function(response) {
            return response.json();
        }).then(function(j) {
            cache[page] = j['results'];
            loading = false;
    return loadingCell;

So we pass a forceUpdate callback as a property which is called when a fetch is finished. This may result to some not needed updates to the table (since we would do a fetch + forceUpdate for non-displayed data) but we can now be positive that when the data is loaded the table will be updated to dispaly it.

The Table container component

Finally, the component that contains the table is the following:

class TableContainer extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return <Table
            rowHeight={30} rowsCount={87} width={600} height={200} headerHeight={30}>

              cell={ <AjaxCell col='name' forceUpdate={this.forceUpdate.bind(this)} /> }
              header={<Cell>Birth Year</Cell>}
              cell={ <AjaxCell col='birth_year' forceUpdate={this.forceUpdate.bind(this)} /> }
              cell={ <AjaxCell col='url' forceUpdate={this.forceUpdate.bind(this)} /> }


I’ve made it a component in order to be able to bind the forceUpdate method of the component to and this and pass it to the forceUpdate parameter to the AjaxCell component. I’ve hard-coded the rowsCount value — instead we should have done an initial fetch to the first page of the API to get the total number of rows and only after that fetch had returned display the <Table> component (left as an exercise to the reader).

Some enchancements

Instead of displaying <Cell>-</Cell> (or </Cell>) when the page loads, I propose to define a cell with an embedded spinner, like

const loadingCell = <Cell>

and return this instead.

Also, if your REST API returns too fast and you’d like to see what would happen if the server request took too long to return, you could change fetch like this

fetch('http://swapi.co/api/people/?format=json&page='+page).then(function(response) {
    return response.json();
}).then(function(j) {
    setTimeout( () => {
        cache[page] = j['results'];
        loading = false;
    }, 1000);

to add a 1 second delay.


The above is a just a proof of concept of using FixedDataTable with asynchronously loaded server-side data. This of course could be used for small projects (I am already using it for an internal project) but I recommend using the flux architecture for more complex projects. What this more or less means is that a store component should be developed that will actually keep the data for each row, and a fetchCompleted action should be dispatched when the fetch is finished instead of calling forceUpdate directly.

PDFs in Django: The essential guide

Upgrade 23/05/2018 I’ve upgraded the sample project (https://github.com/spapas/django-pdf-guide) for usage with Django 2.0 and Python 3.x. There were very few changes between the old, Django 1.8 compatible project and the new one. To see the differences, you can just clone it and do a git diff django-1.8 django-2.0: Most are related to changes between django 1.8 and django 2.0 (in the URL configuration use path instead of url, use new style middleware etc) and between python 2.7 and 3.x (small changes in import syntax, StringIO has been moved to the io package). There’s also a couple of requirement upgrades, the most important are the upgrade to xhtml2pdf 0.2.2 and using my own fork of django_xhtml2pdf since django_xhtml2pdf does not seem to be maintained anymore.


I’ve noticed that although it is easy to create PDFs with Python, there’s no complete guide on how to integrate these tools with Django and resolve the problems that you’ll encounter when trying to actually create PDFs from your Django web application.

In this article I will present the solution I use for creating PDFs with Django, along with various tips on how to solve most of your common requirements. Specifically, here are some things that we’ll cover:

  • Learn how to create PDFs “by hand”
  • Create PDFs with Django using a normal Djang Template (similar to an HTML page)
  • Change the fonts of your PDFs
  • Use styling in your output
  • Create layouts
  • Embed images to your PDFs
  • Add page numbers
  • Merge (concatenate) PDFs

The players

We are going to use the following main tools:

  • ReportLab is an open source python library for creating PDFs. It uses a low-level API that allows “drawing” strings on specific coordinates on the PDF - for people familiar with creating PDFs in Java it is more or less iText for python.
  • xhtml2pdf (formerly named pisa) is an open source library that can convert HTML/CSS pages to PDF using ReportLab.
  • django-xhtml2pdf is a wrapper around xhtml2pdf that makes integration with Django easier.
  • PyPDF2 is an open source tool of that can split, merge and transform pages of PDF files.

I’ve created a django project https://github.com/spapas/django-pdf-guide with everything covered here. Please clone it, install its requirements and play with it to see how everything works !

Before integrating the above tools to a Django project, I’d like to describe them individually a bit more. Any files I mention below will be included in this project.


ReportLab offers a really low API for creating PDFs. It is something like having a canvas.drawString() method (for people familiar with drawing APIs) for your PDF page. Let’s take a look at an example, creating a PDF with a simple string:

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
import reportlab.rl_config

if __name__ == '__main__':
    reportlab.rl_config.warnOnMissingFontGlyphs = 0
    c = canvas.Canvas("./hello1.pdf",)
    c.drawString(100, 100, "Hello World")

Save the above in a file named testreportlab1.py. If you run python testreportlab1.py (in an environment that has reportlab of cours) you should see no errors and a pdf named hello1.pdf created. If you open it in your PDF reader you’ll see a blank page with “Hello World” written in its lower right corner.

If you try to add a unicode text, for example “Καλημέρα ελλάδα”, you should see something like the following:

Hello PDF

It seems that the default font that ReportLab uses does not have a good support for accented greek characters since they are missing (and probably for various other characters).

To resolve this, we could try changing the font to one that contains the missing symbols. You can find free fonts on the internet (for example the DejaVu font), or even grab one from your system fonts (in windows, check out c:\windows\fonts\). In any case, just copy the ttf file of your font inside the folder of your project and crate a file named testreportlab2.py with the following (I am using the DejaVuSans font):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import reportlab.rl_config
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont

if __name__ == '__main__':
    c = canvas.Canvas("./hello2.pdf",)
    reportlab.rl_config.warnOnMissingFontGlyphs = 0
    pdfmetrics.registerFont(TTFont('DejaVuSans', 'DejaVuSans.ttf'))

    c.setFont('DejaVuSans', 22)
    c.drawString(100, 100, u"Καλημέρα ελλάδα.")


The above was just a scratch on the surface of ReportLab, mainly to be confident that everything will work fine for non-english speaking people! To find out more, you should check the ReportLab open-source User Guide.

I also have to mention that the company behind ReportLab offers some great commercial solutions based on ReportLab for creating PDFs (similar to JasperReports) - check it out if you need support or advanced capabilities.


The xhtml2pdf is a really great library that allows you to use html files as a template to a PDF. Of course, an html cannot always be converted to a PDF since, unfortunately, PDFs do have pages.

xhtml2pdf has a nice executable script that can be used to test its capabilities. After you install it (either globally or to a virtual environment) you should be able to find out the executable $PYTHON/scripts/xhtml2pdf (or xhtml2pdf.exe if you are in Windows) and a corresponding python script @ $PYTHON/scripts/xhtml2pdf-script.py.

Let’s try to use xhtml2pdf to explore some of its capabilities. Create a file named testxhtml2pdf.html with the following contents and run xhtml2pdf testxhtml2pdf.html:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <h1>Testing xhtml2pdf </h1>
        <li><b>Hello, world!</b></li>
        <li><i>Hello, italics</i></li>
        <li>Καλημέρα Ελλάδα!</li>
    <hr />
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nulla erat, porttitor ut venenatis eget,
    tempor et purus. Nullam nec erat vel enim euismod auctor et at nisl. Integer posuere bibendum condimentum. Ut
    euismod velit ut porttitor condimentum. In ullamcorper nulla at lectus fermentum aliquam. Nunc elementum commodo
    dui, id pulvinar ex viverra id. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos

    <p>Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed aliquam vitae lectus sit amet accumsan. Morbi
    nibh urna, condimentum nec volutpat at, lobortis sit amet odio. Etiam quis neque interdum sapien cursus ornare. Cras
    commodo lacinia sapien nec porta. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla hendrerit dolor et rutrum consectetur.</p>
    <hr />
    <img  width="26" height="20" src="
    cguWw6aFjsVMkkIr7g77ZKPJjPZqIyd7sJAgVGoEGv2xsBxqNgYPj/gAwXEQA7"  >
    <hr />
            <td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td>
            <td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td>
            <td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td>
            <td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td><td>Hello World!!!</td>

Please notice the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> in the above HTML — also it is saved as Unicode (Encoding - Covert to UTF-8 in Notepad++). The result (testxhtml2pdf.pdf) should have:

  • A nice header (h1)
  • Paragraphs
  • Horizontal lines
  • No support for greek characters (same problem as with reportlab)
  • Images (I am inlining it as a base 64 image)
  • A list
  • A table

Before moving on, I’d like to fix the problem with the greek characters. You should set the font to one supporting greek characters, just like you did with ReportLab before. This can be done with the help of the @font-face css directive. So, let’s create a file named testxhtml2pdf2.html with the following contents:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

        @font-face {
            font-family: DejaVuSans;
            src: url("c:/progr/py/django-pdf-guide/django_pdf_guide/DejaVuSans.ttf");

        body {
            font-family: DejaVuSans;
    <h1>Δοκιμή του xhtml2pdf </h1>
        <li>Καλημέρα Ελλάδα!</li>


Before running xhtml2pdf testxhtml2pdf2.html, please make sure to change the url of the font file above to the absolute path of that font in your local system . As a result, after running xhhtml2pdf you should see the unicode characters without problems.

I have to mention here that I wasn’t able to use the font from a relative path, that’s why I used the absolute one. In case something is not right, try running it with the -d option to output debugging information (something like xhtml2pdf -d testxhtml2pdf2.html). You must see a line like this one:

DEBUG [xhtml2pdf] C:\progr\py\django-pdf-guide\venv\lib\site-packages\xhtml2pdf\context.py line 857: Load font 'c:\\progr\\py\\django-pdf-guide\\django_pdf_guide\\DejaVuSans.ttf'

to make sure that the font is actually loaded!


The PyPDF2 library can be used to extract pages from a PDF to a new one or combine pages from different PDFs to a a new one. A common requirement is to have the first and page of a report as static PDFs, create the contents of this report through your app as a PDF and combine all three PDFs (front page, content and back page) to the resulting PDF.

Let’s see a quick example of combining two PDFs:

import sys
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileMerger

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pdfs = sys.argv[1:]

    if not pdfs or len(pdfs) < 2:
        exit("Please enter at least two pdfs for merging!")

    merger = PdfFileMerger()

    for pdf in pdfs:
        merger.append(fileobj=open(pdf, "rb"))

    output = open("output.pdf", "wb")

The above will try to open all input parameters (as files) and append them to a the output.pdf.

Django integration

To integrate the PDF creation process with django we’ll use a simple app with only one model about books. We are going to use the django-xhtml2pdf library — I recommend installing the latest version (from github using something like pip install -e git+https://github.com/chrisglass/django-xhtml2pdf.git#egg=django-xhtml2pdf ) since the pip package has not been updated in a long time!

Using a plain old view

The simplest case is to just create plain old view to display the PDF. We’ll use django-xhtml2pdf along with the followig django template:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        {% for book in books %}
                <td>{{ book.id }}</td><td>{{ book.title }}</td>
        {% endfor %}

Name it as books_plain_old_view.html and put it on books/templates directory. The view that returns the above template as PDF is the following:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django_xhtml2pdf.utils import generate_pdf

def books_plain_old_view(request):
    resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
    context = {
        'books': Book.objects.all()
    result = generate_pdf('books_plain_old_view.html', file_object=resp, context=context)
    return result

We just use the generate_pdf method of django-xhtml2pdf to help us generate the PDF, passing it our response object and a context dictionary (containing all books).

Instead of the simple HTTP response above, we could add a ‘Content Disposition’ HTTP header to our response (or use the django-xhtml2pdf method render_to_pdf_response instead of generate_pdf) to suggest a default filename for the file to be saved by adding the line

resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="output.pdf"'

after the definition of resp.

This will have the extra effect, at least in Chrome and Firefox to show the “Save File” dialog when clicking on the link instead of retrieving the PDF and displaying it inside* the browser window.

Using a CBV

I don’t really recommend using plain old Django views - instead I propose to always use Class Based Views for their DRYness. The best approach is to create a mixin that would allow any kind of CBV (at least any kind of CBV that uses a template) to be rendered in PDF. Here’s how we could implement a PdfResponseMixin:

class PdfResponseMixin(object, ):
    def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
        resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
        result = generate_pdf(template, file_object=resp, context=context)
        return result

Now, we could use this mixin to create PDF outputting views from any other view! For example, here’s how we could create a book list in pdf:

class BookPdfListView(PdfResponseMixin, ListView):
    context_object_name = 'books'
    model = Book

To display it, you could use the same template as books_plain_old_view.html (so either add a template_name='books_plain_old_view.html' property to the class or copy books_plain_old_view.html to books/book_list.html).

Also, as another example, here’s a BookPdfDetailView that outputs PDF:

class BookPdfDetailView(PdfResponseMixin, DetailView):
    context_object_name = 'book'
    model = Book

and a corresponding template (name it books/book_detail.html):

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <h1>Book Detail</h1>
    <b>ID</b>: {{ book.id }} <br />
    <b>Title</b>: {{ book.title }} <br />

To add the content-disposition header and a name for your PDF, you can use the following mixin:

class PdfResponseMixin(object, ):
    pdf_name = "output"

    def get_pdf_name(self):
        return self.pdf_name

    def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
        resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
        resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{0}.pdf"'.format(self.get_pdf_name())
        result = generate_pdf(template, file_object=resp, context=context)
        return result

You see that, in order to havea configurable output name for our PDF and be consistent with the other django CBVs, a pdf_name class attribute and a get_pdf_name instance method are added. When using the above mixin in your classes you can either provide a value for pdf_name (to use the same for all your instances), or override get_pdf_name to have a dynamic value!

How does django-xhtml2pdf loads resources

Before doing more advanced things, we need to understand how django-xhtml2pdf works and specifically how we can refer to things like css, images, fonts etc from our PDF templates. If you check the utils.py of django-xhtml2pdf you’ll see that it uses a function named fetch_resources for loading these resources. This function checks to see if the resource starts with /MEDIA_URL or /STATIC_URL and converts it to a local (filesystem) path. For example, if you refer to a font like /static/font1.ttf in your PDF template, xhtml2pdf will try to load the file STATIC_ROOT + /font1.ttf (and if it does not find the file you want to refer to there it will check all STATICFILES_DIRS entries).

Thus, you can just put your resources into your STATIC_ROOT directory and use the {% static %} template tag to create URL paths for them — django-xhtml2pdf will convert these to local paths and everything will work fine.

Please notice that you *need* to have configured “STATIC_ROOT“ for this to work — if STATIC_ROOT is empty (and, for example you use static directories in your apps) then the described substitution mechanism will not work. Also, notice that the /static directory inside your apps cannot be used for fetch resources like this (due to how fetch_resources is implemented it only checks if the static resource is contained inside the STATIC_ROOT or in one of the the STATICFILES_DIRS) so be careful to either put the static files you need to load from PDFs (fonts, styles and possibly images) to either the STATIC_ROOT or the one of the STATICFILES_DIRS.

Using a common style for your PDFs

If you need to create a lot of similar PDFs then you’ll probably want to use a bunch of common styles for them (same fonts, headers etc). This could be done using the {% static %} trick we saw on the previous section. However, if we include the styling css as a static file then we won’t be able to use the static-file-uri-to-local-path mechanism described above (since the {% static %} template tag won’t work in static files).

Thankfully, not everything is lost — Django comes to the rescue!!! We can create a single CSS file that would be used by all our PDF templates and include it in the templates using the {% include %} Django template tag! Django will think that this will be a normal template and paste its contents where we wanted and also execute the templates tags!

We’ll see an example of all this in the next section.

Changing the font (to a Unicode enabled one)

The time has finally arrived to change the font! It’s easy if you know exactly what to do. First of all configure your STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL setting, for example STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,'static') and STATIC_URL = '/static/'.

Then, add a template-css file for your fonts in one of your templates directories. I am naming the file pdfstylefonts.css and I’ve put it to books/templates:

{% load static %}
@font-face {
    font-family: "Calibri";
    src: url({% static "fonts/calibri.ttf" %});
@font-face {
    font-family: "Calibri";
    src: url({% static "fonts/calibrib.ttf" %});
    font-weight: bold;
@font-face {
    font-family: "Calibri";
    src: url({% static "fonts/calibrii.ttf" %});
    font-style: italic, oblique;
@font-face {
    font-family: "Calibri";
    src: url({% static "fonts/calibriz.ttf" %});
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic, oblique;

I am using Calibri family of fonts (copied from c:\windows\fonts) for this — I’ve also configured all styles (bold, italic, bold-italic) of this font family to use the correct ttf files. All the ttf files have been copied to the directory static/fonts/.

Now, add another css file that will be your global PDF styles. This should be put to the static directory and could be named pdfstyle.css:

h1 {
    color: blue;

*, html {
    font-family: "Calibri";
    color: red;

Next, here’s a template that lists all books (and contain some greek characters — the title of the books also contain greek characters) — I’ve named it book_list_ex.html:

{% load static %}
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        {% include "pdfstylefonts.css" %}
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='{% static "pdfstyle.css" %}'/>
    <h1>Λίστα βιβλίων</h1>
    <img src='{% static "pony.png" %}' />
        {% for book in books %}
                <td>{{ book.id }}</td><td>{{ book.title }}</td><td><img src='{{ book.cover.url }}' /></td>
        {% endfor %}

You’ll see that the pdfstylefonts.css is included as a Django template (so that {% static %} will work in that file) while pdfstyle.css is included using {% static %}. Als, notice that I’ve also added a static image (using the {% static %} tag) and a dynamic (media) file to show off how great the url-to-local-path mechanism works. Please notice that for the media files to work fine in your development environment you need to configure the MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT settigns (similar to STATIC_URL and STATIC_ROOT) and follow the serve files uploaded by a user during development tutorial on Django docs.

Finally, if you configure a PdfResponseMixin ListView like this:

class BookExPdfListView(PdfResponseMixin, ListView):
    context_object_name = 'books'
    model = Book
    template_name = 'books/book_list_ex.html'

you should see be able to see the correct (calibri) font (defined in pdfstylefonts.css), with unicode characters without problems including both the static and user uploaded images and with the styles defined in the pdf stylesheet (pdfstyle.css).

Configure Django for debugging PDF creation

If you experience any problems, you can configure xhtml2pdf to output DEBUG information. To do this, you may change your django logging configuration like this:

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': False,
    'handlers': {
        'console': {
            'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
    'loggers': {
        'xhtml2pdf': {
            'handlers': ['console'],
            'level': 'DEBUG',

This configuration will keep existing loggers ('disable_existing_loggers': False,) and will configure xhtml2pdf to log its output to the console, helping us find out why some things won’t be working.

Concatenating PDFs in Django

The final section of the PDF-Django-integration is to explain how we can concatenate PDFs in django using PyPDF2. There may be some other requirements like extracting pages from PDFs however the most common one as explained before is to just append the pages of one PDF after the other — after all using PyPDF2 is really easy after you get the hang of it.

To be more DRY, I will create a CoverPdfResponseMixin that will output a PDF with a cover. To be even more DRY, I will refactor PdfResponseMixin to put some common code in an extra method so that CoverPdfResponseMixin could inherit from it:

class PdfResponseMixin(object, ):
    def write_pdf(self, file_object, ):
        context = self.get_context_data()
        template = self.get_template_names()[0]
        generate_pdf(template, file_object=file_object, context=context)

    def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
        resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
        return resp

class CoverPdfResponseMixin(PdfResponseMixin, ):
    cover_pdf = None

    def render_to_response(self, context, **response_kwargs):
        merger = PdfFileMerger()
        merger.append(open(self.cover_pdf, "rb"))

        pdf_fo = StringIO.StringIO()

        resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
        return resp

So, PdfResponseMixin now has a write_pdf method that gets a file-like object and outputs the PDF there. The new mixin, CoverPdfResponseMixin has a cover_pdf attribute that should be configured with the filesystem path of the cover file. The render_to_response method now will create a PdfFileMerger (which is empty initially) to which it appends the contents cover_pdf. After that, it creates a file-stream (using StreamIO) and uses write_pdf to create the PDF there and appends that file-stream to the merger. Finally, it writes the merger contents to the HttpResponse.

One thing that I’ve seen is that if you want to concatenate many PDFs with many pages sometimes you’ll get a strange an error when using PdfFileMerger. I was able to overcome this by reading and appending the pages of each PDF to-be-appended one by one using the PdfFileReader and PdfFileWriter objects. Here’s a small snippet of how this could be done:

pdfs = [] # List of pdfs to be concatenated
writer = PdfFileWriter()

for pdf in pdfs:
    reader = PdfFileReader(open(pdf, "rb"))
    for i in range(reader.getNumPages()):

resp = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
return resp

More advanced xhtml2pdf features

In this section I will present some information on how to use various xhtml2pdf features to create the most common required printed document features, for example adding page numbers, adding headers and footers etc.

Laying out

To find out how you can create your pages you should read the defining page layouts section of the xhtml2pdf manual. There you’ll see that the basic components of laying out in xhtml2pdf is @page to create pages and @frames to create rectangular components inside these pages. So each page will have a number of frames inside it. These frames are seperated to static and dynamic. Staticsome should be used for things like headers and footers (so they’ll be the same across all pages) and dynamic will contain the main content of the report.

For pages you can use any page size you want, not just the specified ones. For example, in one of my projects I wanted to create a PDF print on a normal plastic card, so I’d used the following size: 8.56cm 5.398cm;. Also, page templates can be named and you can use different ones in the same PDF (so you could create a cover page with a different page template, use it first and then continue with the normal pages). To name a tempalte you just use @page template_name {} and to change the template use the combination of the following two xhtml2pdf tags:

<pdf:nexttemplate name="back_page" />
<pdf:nextpage />

Now, one thing I’ve noticed is that you are not able to use a named template for the first page of your PDF. So, what I’ve done is that I create an anonymous (default) page for the first page of the report. If I want to reuse it in another page, I copy it and name it accordingly. I will give an example shortly.

Now, for frames, I recommend using the -pdf-frame-border: 1; command for debugging where they are actually printed. Also, I recommend using a normal ruler and measuring completely where you want them to be. For example, for the following frame:

@frame photo_frame {
        -pdf-frame-border: 1;
        top:  2.4cm;
        left: 6.2cm;
        width: 1.9cm;
        height: 2.2cm;

I’d used a ruler to find out that I want it to start 2.4 cm from the top of my page (actually a credit card) and 6.2 cm from the left and have a width and height of 1.9 and 2.2 cm.

I recommend naming all frames to be able to distinguish them however I don’t think that their name plays any other role. However, for static frames you must define the id of the content they will contain using -pdf-frame-content in the css and a div with the corresponding id in the PDF template. For example, you could define a frame header like this

@frame header {
  -pdf-frame-content: headerContent;
  width: 8in;
  top: 0.5cm;
  margin-left: 0.5cm;
  margin-right: 0.5cm;
  height: 2cm;

and its content like this:

<div id='headerContent'>
  <h1 >
    Header !

Please notice that if for some reason the stuff you want to put in your static frames does not fit there the frame will be totally empty. This means that if you have size for three lines but you want to output five lines in a static frame then you’ll see no lines!

Now, for dynamic content you can expect the opposite behavior: You cannot select to which dynamic frame your content goes, instead the content just just flows to the first dynamic frame it fits! If it does not fit in any dynamic frames in the current page then a new page will be created.

I’d like to present a full example here on the already mentioned project of printing a plastic card for the books. I had two page layouts, one for the front page having a frame with the owner’s data and another frame with his photo and one for the back page having a barcode. This is a Django template that is used to print not only but a PDF with a group of these cards:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    {% include "pdfstylefonts.css" %}
<style type='text/css'>
    @page {
        size: 8.56cm 5.398cm;
        margin: 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm;
        padding: 0;

        @frame table_frame {
            /* -pdf-frame-border: 1; */
            top:  2.4cm;
            left: 0.4cm;
            width: 5.5cm;
            height: 3cm;

        @frame photo_frame {
            /* -pdf-frame-border: 1; */
            top:  2.4cm;
            left: 6.2cm;
            width: 1.9cm;
            height: 2.2cm;

    @page front_page {
        size: 8.56cm 5.398cm;
        margin: 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm;
        padding: 0;

        @frame table_frame {
            /* -pdf-frame-border: 1; */
            top:  2.4cm;
            left: 0.4cm;
            width: 5.5cm;
            height: 3cm;

        @frame photo_frame {
            /* -pdf-frame-border: 1; */
            top:  2.4cm;
            left: 6.2cm;
            width: 1.9cm;
            height: 2.2cm;

    @page back_page {
        size: 8.56cm 5.398cm;
        margin: 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm 0.0cm;
        padding: 0;

        @frame barcode_frame {
            /* -pdf-frame-border: 1; */
            top:  3.9cm;
            left: 1.8cm;
            width: 4.9cm;
            height: 1.1cm;

    *, html {
        font-family: "Calibri";
        font-size: 8pt;
        line-height: 80%;

    .bigger {
        font-weight: bold;
    {% for book in books %}
            <! -- Here I print the card data. It fits exactly in the table_frame so ... ->
            {{ book.title }}<br />
            Data line 2<br />
            Data line 3<br />
            Data line 4<br />
            Data line 5<br />
            Data line 6<br />
            Data line 7<br />
            Data line 8<br />
            Data line 9<br />
            Data line 10<br />
            <! -- This photo here will be outputted to the photo_frame -->
            <img src='{{ book.cover.url }}' style='width:1.9cm ; height: 2.2cm ; ' />

        <! -- Now the template is chaned to print the back of the card -->
        <pdf:nexttemplate name="back_page" />
        <pdf:nextpage />

        <div >
                <! -- Print the barcode to the barcode_frame -->
                <pdf:barcode value="{{ book.id }}" type="code128" humanreadable="1" barwidth="0.43mm" barheight="0.6cm" align="middle" />
        <!-- Use the front_page template again for the next card -->
        <pdf:nexttemplate name="front_page" />
        <pdf:nextpage />
    {% endfor %}

Notice that I want to print exactly 10 lines in the table_frame (that’s why I use <br /> to go to next line) — if I had printed 3-4 lines (for example) then the photo would fit in the table_frame and would be printed there and not in the photo_frame! Also, another interesting thing is that if I had outputed 8-9 lines then the photo wouldn’t fit in that small space and would also be printed to the photo_frame.

Extra stuff

Some extra things I want to mention concerning xhtml2pdf:

  • <pdf:pagenumber> to output the current page number (please end the line after this tag)
  • <pdf:pagecount> to output the total page number (please end the line after this tag)

So if you want to print a footer with the pages, I recommend something like this:

<div id='footerContent'>
  Page <pdf:pagenumber>
  from <pdf:pagecount>

Notice how the lines end after the tags.

  • <pdf:barcode>: Output a barcode in your PDF. Here are the possible barcode types: I2of5, Standard39, Extended39, Standard93, Extended93, MSI, Codabar, Code11, FIM, POSTNET, USPS_4State, Code128, EAN13, EAN8, QR.
  • You may add a page background image using the background-image property of @page.

For example, if you want the templates you create from your development/UAT systems to be different than the production ones you could do something like this:

@page {
    {% if DEBUG %}
        background-image: url({% static "debug.png" %});
    {% endif %}
    <!-- Other page properties -->


I hope that using the techniques described in this essential guide you’ll be able to create great looking PDF documents from your Django application and overcome any difficulties that may arise. If you feel that there’s something I’ve not covered properly (and is not covered by the documentation) please comment out and I’ll be happy to research it a bit and update the article with info.

I am using all the above in various production applications for a long time and everything is smooth so don’t afraid to create PDFs from Django!

Improve your client-side-javascript workflow more by using ES6

Update 22/12/2015: Add section for the object-spread operator.


In a previous article we presented a simple workflow to improve your client-side (javascript) workflow by including a bunch of tools from the node-js world i.e browserify and its friends, watchify and uglify-js.

Using these tools we were able to properly manage our client side dependencies (no more script tags in our html templates) and modularize our code (so we could avoid monolithic javascript files that contained all our code). Another great improvement to our workflow would be to include ES6 to the mix!

ES6 (or EcmaScript 2015) is more or less “Javascript: TNG”. It has many features that greatly improve the readability and writability of javascript code - for instance, thick arrows, better classes, better modules, iterators/generators, template strings, default function parameters and many others! More info on these features and how they could be used can be found on the es6features repository.

Unfortunately, these features are either not supported at all, or they are partially supported on current (November 2015) browsers. However all is not lost yet: Since we already use browserify to our client side workflow, we can easily enable it to read source files with ES6 syntax and transform them to normal javascript using a transformation through the babel tool.

In the following, we’ll talk a bit more about the node-js package manager (npm) features, talk a little about babel and finally modify our workflow so that it will be able to use ES6! Please notice that to properly follow this article you need to first read the previous one.

NPM, —save, —save-dev and avoiding global deps

In the previous article, I had recommended to install the needed tools (needed to create the output bundle browserify, watchify, uglify) globally using npm install -g package (of course the normal dependencies like moment.js would be installed locally). This has one advantage and two disadvantages: It puts these tools to the path so they can be called immediately (i.e browserify) but you will need root access to install a package globally and nothing is saved on package.json so you don’t know which packages must be installed in order to start developing the project!

This could be ok for the introductionary article, however for this one I will propose another alternative: Install all the tools locally using just npm install package --save. These tools will be put to the node_modules folder. They will not be put to the path, but if you want to execute a binary by yourself to debug the output, you can find it in node_modules/bin, for example, for browserify you can run node_modules/bin/browserify. Another intersting thing is that if you create executable scripts in your package.json you don’t actually need to include the full path but the binaries will be found.

Another thing I’d like to discuss here is the difference between --save and --save-dev options that can be passed to npm install. If you take a look at other guides you’ll see that people are using --save-dev for development dependencies (i.e testing) and --save for normal dependencies. The difference is that these dependencies are saved in different places in package.json and if you run npm install --production you’ll get only the normal dependencies (while, if you run npm install all dependencies will be installed). In these articles, I chose to just use --save everywhere, after all the only thing that would be needed for production would be the bundle.js output file.

Using babel

The babel library “is a JavaScript compiler”. It gets input files in a variant of javascript (for example, ES6) and produces normal javascript files — something like what browserify transforms do. However, what babel does (and I think its the only tool that does this) is that it allows you to use ES6 features now by transpiling them to normal (ES5) javascript. Also, babel has various other transforms, including a react transform (so you can use this instead of the reactify browserify-transform)!

In any case, to be able to use ES6, we’ll need to install babel and its es6 presets (don’t forget that you need to have a package.json for the dependencies to be saved so either do an npm init or create a package.json file containing only {}):

npm install  babel babel-preset-es2015 --save

If we wanted to also use babel for react we’d need to install babel-preset-react.

To configure babel we can either add a babel section in our package.json or create a new file named .babelrc and put the configuration there.

I prefer the first one since we are already using the package.json. So add the following attribute to your package.json:

"babel": {
  "presets": [

If you wanted to configure it through .babelrc then you’d just copy to it the contents of "babel".

To do some tests with babel, you can install its cli (it’s not included in the babel package) through npm install babel-cli. Now, you can run node_modules/.bin/babel. For example, create a file named testbabel.js with the following contents (thick arrow):

[1,2,3].forEach(x => console.log(x) );

when you pass it to babel you’ll see the following output:

>node_modules\.bin\babel testbabel.js
"use strict";

[1, 2, 3].forEach(function (x) {
  return console.log(x);

Integrate babel with browserify

To call babel from browserify we’re going to use the babelify browserify transform which actually uses babel to transpile the browserify input. After installing it with

npm install babelify --save

you need to tell browserify to use it. To do this, you’ll just pass a -t babelify parameter to browserify. So if you run it with the testbabel.js file as input you’ll see the following output:

>node_modules\.bin\browserify -t babelify testbabel.js
[...] browserify gibberish
"use strict";

[1, 2, 3].forEach(function (x) {
  return console.log(x);

[...] more browserify gibberish

yey — the code is transpiled to ES5!

To create a complete project, let’s add a normal requirement (moment.js):

npm install moment --save

and a file named src\main.js that uses it with ES6 syntax:

import moment from 'moment';

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
arr.forEach(x => setTimeout(() => console.log(`Now: ${moment().format("HH:mm:ss")}, Later: ${moment().add(x, "days").format("L")}...`), x*1000));

To create the output javascript file, we’ll use the browserify and watchify commands with the addition of the -t babelify switch. Here’s the complete package.json for this project:

  "dependencies": {
    "babel": "^6.1.18",
    "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.1.18",
    "babelify": "^7.2.0",
    "browserify": "^12.0.1",
    "moment": "^2.10.6",
    "uglify-js": "^2.6.0",
    "watchify": "^3.6.1"
  "scripts": {
    "watch": "watchify src/main.js -o dist/bundle.js -v -t babelify",
    "build": "browserify src/main.js -t babelify | uglifyjs -mc warnings=false > dist/bundle.js"
  "babel": {
    "presets": [

Running npm run build should create a dist/bundle.js file. If you include this in an html, you should see something like this in the console:

Now: 13:52:09, Later: 11/17/2015...
Now: 13:52:10, Later: 11/18/2015...

The object-spread operator

Many examples in the internet use the object spread operator which is not part of es6 so our proposed babel configuration does not support it! To be able to use this syntax, we’ll need to install the corresponding babel plugin by using npm install babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread --save and add it to our babel configuration in the plugins section, something like this:

"presets": [
"plugins": [

If everything is ok this should be transpiled without errors using node_modules\.bin\browserify testbabe.js -t babelify

let x = {a:1 , b:2 };
let y = {...x, c: 3};


Using the combination of babel and javascript we can easily write ES6 code in our modules! This, along with the modularization of our code and the management of client-side dependencies should make client side development a breeze!

Please notice that to keep the presented workflow simple and easy to replicate and configure, we have not used any external task runners (like gulp or grunt) — all configuration is kept in a single file (package.json) and the whole environment can be replicated just by doing a npm install. Of course, the capabilities of browserify are not unlimited, so if you wanted to do something more complicated (for instance, lint your code before passing it to browserify) you’d need to use the mentioned task runners (or webpack which is the current trend in javascript bundlers and actually replaces the task runners).